Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Arctic Air Premiere on CBC: Win Your Way Into the Red Carpet Event

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

CBC’s latest original series, Arctic Air, will premiere January 10, 2012 and to celebrate, they’re hosting a red carpet screening event at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver. Arctic Air is a one-hour adventure series set in the booming Arctic, about a maverick airline and the unconventional family who runs it. On the ground, Bobby (Adam […]

Girls Ride Free at Mount Seymour 2012

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 6th annual Girls Ride Free – Shred for a Cure campaign at Mount Seymour starts January 9, 2012 and will run until March 2, 2012. Ladies can pick up their free lift passes from participating locations and enjoy a night on the mountain every Monday after 6:00pm. Keira-Anne and me. Photo credit: Keira-Anne on […]

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2012

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Gung Haggis Fat Choy is one unique event where you can catch poetry and Kung Fu, highland dancers performing with sheng players, and delicious deep-fried haggis dumplings. It’s an annual Vancouver tradition that combines Chinese New Year with Robbie Burns Day in a single event. Photo credit: bmann on Flickr Gung Haggis Fat Choy Dinner […]

Vancouver History: Philanthropists

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On New Year’s Eve Vancouver lost Milton Wong, a wonderful business man, Order of Canada recipient, SFU Chancellor, and philanthropist. “Milt was a very generous and wonderful guy,” said longtime friend Michael Clague, who recalled the time in 2003 when, as director of the Carnegie Centre in the Downtown Eastside, he asked his university buddy […]

An Afternoon Drive in Iowa

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s become a tradition for John and I to return to his hometown in Iowa to ring in the new year. During our winter visits, we usually do our first photowalk of the year, sliding around the ice-covered streets and crunching through knee-deep snow. Winter 2009-2010 in Iowa When we arrived this time around, we […]