Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Looking Down: Manhole Cover Art in Vancouver

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Last week I was on a trip to the Okanagan where I snapped colourful landscape photos of views and vineyards as far as the eye could see. To my surprise, none has garnered as much attention as a photo of a manhole cover I took upon my return to Vancouver. Locals, as I have come […]

Triple O’s and KidSport Team Up for BC Kids

Comments 146 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This contest is sponsored by Triple O's to promote the KidSport campaign. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Photo: Triple O’s on Facebook This fall you can support KidSport, getting children active in organized sports, when you visit participating Triple O’s locations. Until October 24th, donations made at any of the 32 participating Triple O’s locations will support registration fees for children in BC. KidSport BC is Triple O’s charity of choice and […]

3 Places to Watch Halloween Movies in Vancouver

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Dust dances in the beam of light streaming from the projector. Your hand trembles as it reaches for another piece of popcorn that may or may not make it to your mouth as you pause with fear. You start whispering to the characters on screen, warning them of the danger they are about to put […]

5 Haunted Houses To Visit This Halloween

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver is not immune to haunted houses and ghostly tales, and at this time of year eerie amusements and attractions with the sole purpose of scaring your proverbial pants off pop up all around town. I found five that will get your blood pumping this season: Haunted Mansion at the PNE. Photo by Phillip P […]

Win Tickets to Evil Dead The Musical

Comments 30 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s not every day that a friend and I leave a musical, covered in stage blood, and singing along to an upbeat tune about a cabin in the woods. This jolly good time, complete with guts, gore, and entertaining musical numbers, was Evil Dead The Musical and it’s coming back to Vancouver this Halloween. Evil […]