Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver Theatre Listings: November 2014

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Miss604 is pleased to announce a new promotional partnership with the Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards (the “Jessies”). On the first Thursday of every month, I will feature a list of productions that are registered for the Jessie Awards, including their dates, locations, and more. The goal of this partnership is to promote eligible shows and […]

Top 10: Food Experiences on Miss604

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Since I’m celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Miss604 on November 13th, I figured that a retrospective series was in order leading up to the event. Over the last 10 years I have personally published over 6,240 posts while family and friends have contributed over 200 guest posts. I’ve decided to pick out my Top […]

Stickboy at Vancouver Opera

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Disclosure: Review — This is not a paid post. Views are my own. I received media tickets for review purposes. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

“It was intense,” my niece told me this morning when I asked her about the show last night. I took her to see Stickboy at Vancouver Opera, which was composed by Neil Weisensel and written by Shane Koyczan. Given my general knowledge of the libretto — based on Koyczan’s powerful book about a boy who, […]

Central City and Parallel 49 Beer Advent Calendar

Comments 417 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Craft beer fans in BC and Alberta will be able to celebrate the holidays with a special treat starting December 1st if they pick up the “Mystery Gift Holiday Countdown” 24-pack of Central City and Parallel 49 beer. The Mystery Gift Holiday Countdown features 22 of the best and most sought-after craft beers from Central […]

3 Winery Restaurants in the Okanagan

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Disclosure: Review — This is not a paid post. Views are my own. Meals were compliments of either the tourism association or the proprietors on this media trip. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Great wine is even better when it’s paired with great food, and when both come from within several miles of each other, the experience is even better. We’re so fortunate to have the ability to grow, harvest, and serve up fantastic wines and dishes in BC’s wine regions. Winery Restaurants in the Okanagan Heading south […]