Harmony in Beijing and Kansas City

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We watched the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics from a hotel room in Kansas City last night.

Photo credit: Kris Krug on Flickr

We had to wait about 12 hours to see coverage on NBC since they didn’t air it live in the morning. Surrounded by John’s family, most of which I had just met that evening, I was given tasty samples of tequila and welcomed with open arms. When team Canada entered the stadium during the parade of nations my new family raised their glasses, toasted, and applauded.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

I know that some Canadians have a certain view of Americans – our nation probably has as many stereotypes of our neighbours to the south as they have about us in the Great White North. During my last trip to the Midwest I wrote about our journey and the people down here. Nancy commented about this country, which pretty much summed up how I felt, “[sometimes]… we forget the stuff that is absolutely wonderful.”

What I haven’t yet mentioned is that the room also saluted Spain, Mexico and of course the US as members of the family hail from all parts of the globe. Even though I couldn’t pick a favourite college football team off the top of my head and I had no comments about the Edwards situation – it doesn’t matter where you go in the world or where you’re from, family is family, and they can make you feel at home in any situation.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Keira-AnneSaturday, August 9th, 2008 — 11:32am PDT

    I am so glad you guys are having a totally awesome time there 🙂

  2. fotoeinsSunday, August 10th, 2008 — 7:45am PDT

    As you once lived in BOS, as I once lived in MSP, and as JB now lives in YVR, we offer different perspectives about the experiences of having lived / living in the “other” country. I find myself missing MSP at the oddest of moments; just the other day I was reminiscing about people whom I met at bars called “Liquor Lyle’s” and “Psycho Susie’s”.

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