Online Festival Showcases North East Alberta Tourism and Culture

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The #NEABOnline Festival launched today, showcasing small businesses, tourism operators, organizations, and makers who have a passion for where they call home: North East Alberta. It’s a destination full of unexpected and enriching experiences and you can learn all about them online this month through a series of live Facebook and Instagram videos curated by FestivalSeekers.

NEABOnline Jim Barr Photo
#NEABOnline Jim Barr Photo

North East Alberta Tourism and Culture

You might ask: “Rebecca, you’re Miss604, why are you promoting the 780?” and the answer is that part of my business is social media coaching, and I’ve worked with FestivalSeekers for the better part of a decade to support small business in Western Canada. They asked me to come on board and work with a handful of these awesome tourism operators, makers, and organizations to guide them through the festival process and also set them up for online success. I love supporting local (even if it’s not my local)!

A business I have on my team is ING-ON who developed the incredible History Check app. This free app has everything you need to travel around Alberta. Creator Sheila Willis has over 3,800 pins on the app’s map feature that you can search based on proximity to your location, or interests like golf or museums, or even for other festival participants — just search NEAB on the app! She’s just one of the many businesses you’ll hear from at the online festival.

ING-On's History Check App
ING-On’s History Check App

You’ll also hear from Lac La Biche Museum, Fort McMurray Metis Trading Post, Kookum Clara’s Custom Cree-ations, Heart Berries and Cedar, Kapâwinihk Wilderness Triathlon and many more!

How the Online Festival Works

FestivalSeekers has perfected this model over the last three years and it’s super easy to enjoy! Basically all of the participants are going live on their Facebook pages to show off what they do best, and hopefully entice you to visit their region this season. All you need to do is tune in, engage, perhaps enter to win some awesome prizes, and learn about these new-to-you organizations.

Find the four week lineup in these Facebook event pages and RSVP to get post notifications:

All of the live videos will be shared by the participants on their pages of course, and on these Festival partner pages:

The Festival kicked off this morning with a performance by Maddie Strovold, and Jaclyn Denman from Lac La Biche’s Sir Winston Churchill Park who took viewers on a tour of Alberta’s only island concert venue in lead up to Maddie’s concert on March 9th:

Tune in Until March 28th

Now that you know what’s happening, be sure to tune in every Tuesday and Thursday between now and March 28th for Facebook or Instagram lives coming from these tourism experience operators and makers across the region. 

For all of the details and to view archived videos in case you can’t catch them live, follow FestivalSeekers on Facebook.

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