Kiwis Growing in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last December while I was out on my daily walk with my friend Laura, we came across a fruit on a vine in Coal Harbour that looked like a kiwi. I posted a photo to Twitter and there was some debate on whether it was a fig or a kiwi, but consensus said kiwi.

Kiwis Growing in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour

Over the last few weeks, Laura has stopped by that area to check in on the kiwi plant, and yesterday I joined her only to discover dozens and dozens of fruit just thriving away by the marina.

Last summer, I joined TikTok and posted a video during the heat dome. It featured banana trees that were producing fruit right here in Downtown Vancouver and got 73,000 views. What that told me was 1. TikTok sure does have an impact and 2. Maybe I should refocus from events and community news and post more about fruit growing where you don’t expect it?

While the latter won’t be happening, I’d love to know: Do you know who is growing the kiwis in Coal Harbour?

Kiwis Growing in Coal Harbour

The US kiwi season lasts from October through May, and these appear far from ripe at the moment. If you’re cultivating this thriving plant, I’d love to hear from you. I’ve been looking to see if CTV’s Mike McCardell has already done a story about it too – haha!

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