Canadian Independent Bookstore Day in Vancouver 2022

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The other day I grabbed a cup of coffee and decided to walk from Downtown to Chinatown, or as I like to call it: The Paper Hound to Massy Books route. With Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (“CIBD”) on the way – it’s always on the last Saturday in April – I wanted to highlight these shops and others in our community who are very worthy of your support.

These indie bookstores are deeply passionate about their work, they prioritize customer service, and they provide unmatched value for the book-buying public.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day 2022 Box

Independent Bookstore Day in Vancouver 2022

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day (April 30, 2022) is the annual day when readers, writers, illustrators, publishers, and other industry supporters come together to celebrate indie bookstores across Canada. By joining the celebration, you are advocating for independent businesses, supporting a flourishing bookselling community, and investing in Canadian culture.

Independent booksellers are an integral part of Canadian culture. Indie bookstores are pillars of the communities in which they reside. Their staff are actively involved in the neighbourhood and provide an inclusive space where people can connect over shared interests and engage in important discourse. Local booksellers also play a vital role in the Canadian literary ecosystem. They are conduits of discovery, championing Canadian creators at all career stages and introducing Canadian readers to a diverse range of voices – including writers who identify as Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, and LGBTQ2S+ – from across Canada’s rich cultural landscape.

Participating Locations in Vancouver

Local shops across Canada are planning celebratory activities for the big day including customer giveaways, discounts, exclusive products, author events, and more. In Vancouver, look for special offerings from:

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day Vancouver 2022
  1. Banyen Books
  2. Pulpfiction Books West
  3. Kidsbooks
  4. Upstart & Crow
  5. Hager Books Ltd
  6. Book Warehouse (Broadway)
  7. Book Warehouse (Main)
  8. Pulpfiction Books on Main
  9. The Paper Hound
  10. Massy Books
  11. Pulpfiction Books East
  12. Iron Dog Books

Visit as many of the stores listed here as you can for chances to win awesome gift certificates, bookish accessories and other great literary items. Each bookstore is running their own draw and there are many prizes to be won from the stores, and publishers such as Raincoast Books, Ampersand Inc., Harper Collins, Canadian Manda Group, and Penguin Random House.

You can also enter to win the Canada-wide CIBD contest online here.

CIBD is an opportunity to raise awareness about everything that indies have to offer. Follow on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for info about the campaign.

Related: Book archive

Current Contests on Miss604
*All contests are open to residents of Canada only, unless otherwise stated. Contest timelines are published on each individual post along with entry methods. Some contests may only be open to those 19 years of age and older. Winners are announced on the contest blog posts. Contest policy »
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