Stanley Park Easter Train 2022
byAll aboard the Stanley Park Easter Train! The miniature railway is opening up for just a few days this season to celebrate Easter and the first long weekend of spring. Enjoy an egg-citing ride through the forest and look for cotton-tailed inhabitants. After the train ride, kids can meet the Easter Bunny and visit the Bunny Burrow Maze.

Stanley Park Easter Train 2022
- When: Apri 15-18, 2022 from 10:00am to 4:00pm
- Where: The Easter Train is located on Pipeline Road in Stanley Park, via the West Georgia Street park entrance.
- Tickets: On sale now
Tickets will only be sold online. No refunds or exchanges offered. Ticket holders must be prepared to board the train at the time specified on their tickets due to restrictions on capacity. To avoid long wait times, please arrive no earlier than 30 minutes in advance of your scheduled train ride. Latecomers may not be accommodated due to capacity restrictions.
Visit the Cob House for organic popcorn served up by Stanley Park Ecology Society volunteers, grab a warm beverage from Insomniac’s Coffee, enjoy a rolled and baked to order pastry from The Praguery, and snack on The Tornado Truck‘s Mac & Cheese Bites, Potato Tornadoes and Masala Chai.
While you’re in the park, don’t miss the beautiful cherry blossoms which should all be in full bloom that weekend.
Take public transit, ride your bike, or walk to the Easter Train. Pay parking is available in parking lots and streets in Stanley Park. Follow the Stanley Park Railway on Facebook for more info.