Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Metro Vancouver
byAt the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month we usually gather in memorial parks, community halls, workplaces, schools and homes to stand in honour of all who have fallen. Due to COVID 19, Remembrance Day ceremonies in Metro Vancouver have either been cancelled or the public is discouraged from attending services. You can, however, tune into a few livestreams that will be setup:

Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Metro Vancouver
- New Westminster: Virtual Ceremony
- November 11th at 10:30am online
- In partnership with the New Westminster Royal Canadian Legion, The Royal Westminster Regiment and other community organizations, Remembrance Day for 2020 has been re-imagined to meet COVID-19 safety requirements and to provide the community with a safe way of honouring our veterans and their sacrifices.
- Virtual Surrey Remembrance Day Online
- November 11th at 10:30am online
- A small group from the Cloverdale Legion will lay wreaths in an intimate ceremony to commemorate the day. In the interest of COVID-19 safety, the public is not invited to gather at Victory Square. Instead, pay your respect by watching the small, live event on Facebook.
- Live Stream at Japanese Hall
- November 11th at 10:40am
- The Stanley Park ceremony (at the Japanese Canadian War Memorial) is limited to wreath layers and speakers only and is not open to the public. To commemorate the Cenotaph’s 100th anniversary, the viewing event will include pre-recorded tributes that include the 100th anniversary of the cenotaph; a display of the original Honour Rolls; and light refreshments. Join the event at the hall to honour and give thanks. Health and safety protocols will be in effect in our 5000 square-foot Japanese Hall at 487 Alexander St, Vancouver.
- White Rock Virtual Remembrance Day
- November 11th at 10:45am
- The traditional Remembrance Day ceremony that takes place at the Cenotaph at White Rock’s City Hall is going virtual this year due to COVID-19. The City is working with the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 8, to record a ceremony, complete with the traditional songs, readings and two minutes of silence. The City is also encouraging people in the community to show their support for veterans and those in active service by putting poppies in your front windows in the days leading up to Remembrance Day.
- Livestream in Maple Ridge
- November 11th at 10:45am
- Maple Ridge Legion Branch #88 is developing an online, livestream presentation in place of the in-person parade and gathering in Memorial Peace Park. The broadcasted commemoration from Maple Ridge will be much smaller, with invited guests only.
- UBC’s Virtual Ceremony of Remembrance
- November 11th at 10:45am
- 2020 marks the 69th year that the University of British Columbia has hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony. This year, due to COVID-19, the Remembrance Day ceremony will be a virtual event, featuring a live broadcast from War Memorial Gym. All UBC faculty, staff, students and community members are invited to watch—to honour and remember all those who served in times of war, military conflict and peace.
- Burnaby South Remembrance Livestream
- November 11th at 10:30am
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We will remember them.
More will be added to this list as livestream and virtual event information becomes available. Find a poppy near you to pay tribute and you can donate to the National Poppy Fund online.