Dan’s Legacy BC and Mental Health Week

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It’s been pretty tough for most of us these past couple of months – staying at home, not seeing friends or family (except for virtually), and doing what we can to “flatten the curve”. Now more than ever before the importance of “community” is something a lot of people are talking about.

But what if you never had family or friends to start with?

Dan's Legacy Logo

Dan’s Legacy BC and Mental Health Week

Dan’s Legacy is a non-profit organization I’ve been proud to support for the past few years, and they’re really making a difference in the lives of young people in our community who are facing the world alone.

These are youth who grew up in the foster care system, and now that they’re aging out of government care at 19, are pretty much on their own. Because of significant trauma in their childhoods, they’re dealing with mental health and addictions issues, and things have only gotten worse since the start of the COVID-19 crisis. Anxiety, depression and hospitalization for overdose and suicide attempts have gone up 50%. It’s a tough reality – but Dan’s Legacy’s team of therapists are there for the youth.

Dan's Legacy Land-Based Therapy for Indigenous Youth
Dan’s Legacy Land-Based Therapy for at-risk Indigenous Youth

These therapists are front-line health care workers who go directly to their clients wherever they are, there’s no wait list and their counselling and wrap-around programs are free.

As well as mental health support, Dan’s Legacy knows they can help the youth help themselves by building their own networks – whether that’s reconnecting urban Indigenous youth to their traditional culture and community, helping LGBTQ2S+ youth find support and services, or bringing everyone together for a hot meal every week at their Sunday Haven community dinner and food bank – Dan’s Legacy is there for these young people when they ask for help.

Sunday Haven Dinners, Trans Extravaganza are some of Dan's Legacy programs
Sunday Haven Dinners, Trans Extravaganza are some of Dan’s Legacy programs

In the past five years Dan’s Legacy has helped over 400 youth meet their educational, employment, and recovery goals.

May 4-10 is Mental Health Week in Canada and if you’d like to help Dan’s Legacy continue to provide these critical services to at-risk youth, visit www.danslegacy.com to donate, or text DANS to 45678 to make a fast and easy $10 donation right from your phone.

And if you or someone you know is asking for help, contact Tom Littlewood, Program Director at (604) 999-9136 or tom(at)danslegacy(dot)com.

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