BC Provincial Parks Closed Due to COVID-19

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In response to the call for increased action to address the COVID-19 pandemic, BC Parks is immediately closing the entire BC Parks system, including all parks, protected areas, conservancies, recreation areas, and ecological reserves. All camping (front and backcountry) is now banned until May 31st, 2020.

BC Provincial Parks Closed Due to COVID-19

List of Parks Affected »

With the desire of the public to get outdoors, many parks have already experienced peak season levels of use that have resulted in overwhelmed parking lots, trails and trailheads, making physical distancing difficult, if not impossible in some locations. It has also resulted in damage to facilities and the environment.

Porpoise Bay Provincial Park
Porpoise Bay Provincial Park

This closure is also necessary to ensure the continued health and safety of visitors, employees, park operators and their staff, volunteers, and park contractors. By taking this action, BC Parks aligns with federal and provincial directives for people to stay home to reduce COVID-19 transmission risk.

What is Closed

This temporary measure means public and vehicle access is prohibited until further notice.

All trails, roads, day-use areas, beaches, lakes, boat launches, and backcountry areas are closed to the public.

Park closures will be enforced through regular monitoring and patrols and anyone found in a closed park will be evicted and could face a $115 fine.

In addition to the full system closure, the campground closure has been extended to May 31st, 2020.

Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park (Othello Tunnels)
Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park (Othello Tunnels)

Camping Refunds

Full refunds will continue to be provided to those with existing reservations during this time. The Discover Camping reservation system has been suspended for all new reservations. A public notice will be issued once facilities are reopened and the system is able to accept new reservations.

BC Parks continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic closely and is following the recommendations set out by the Provincial Health Officer and the Minister of Health for decisions related to closure and reopening of parks and facilities.

Little Qualicum Falls
Little Qualicum Falls

Please continue to check the BC Parks website for updates.

Related: Quarry Rock Closed, and More Park Closures During COVID-19

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