Tri-Cities Culture Days Weekend

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Get out and enjoy activities and events in the Tri-Cities during Culture Days, September 29th to October 1st. Culture Days represents the largest-ever collective public participation campaign undertaken by the arts and cultural community in Canada with over 7,500 free, hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public to create, participate and share.

Inspiring greater public participation in arts, culture and heritage, Port Moody, Coquitlam, and Port Coquitlam will host over 25 free events.

Tri-Cities Culture Days

Tri-Cities Culture Days Weekend

Enter the behind-the-scenes world of artists, creators and historians in the Tri-Cities during Culture Days. The events are fun, creative, family-friendly and free!

Coquitlam’s three days of activities include a celebration of art, music and dance from other cultures, a salmon sculpture scavenger hunt, a variety of hands-on art activities for adults and kids, a ukulele jamboree, and tours of heritage sites.

In Port Coquitlam, you can watch the Canada 150 mosaic mural be unveiled, make some art, get writing tips, and check out a national Terry Fox exhibit.

Port Moody’s activities include a scavenger hunt, hatchery events, a juggling show, a virtual reality demo, Canada 150 mosaic mural tile painting, and more.

The ultimate goal of Culture Days is to make arts, culture and heritage a part of every Canadian’s life, whether by creating, enjoying, supporting or sharing.

Miss604 is proud to be a media partner of the Tri-Cities Culture Days weekend. Stay tuned for more event listings in the coming days.

Follow Culture Days on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more information.

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