Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup at Iona Beach

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Airport Authority in partnership with the Vancouver Aquarium will be holding the annual Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup at Iona Beach on Sunday, September 18th. Last year the volunteer-driven event had over 300 people show up to help remove over 700kg of waste from the shorelines!

Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup at Iona Beach

Where: Iona Beach Regional Park
When: Sunday, September 18, 2016 from 10:00am to 1:00pm

You can pre-register to help with the cleanup online here. You can also register on the day of the event starting at 10:00am at Iona Beach Regional Park. There will be a light lunch for all participants (first come first served). To keep it a zero-waste event, make sure to BYO-water bottle.

ShorelineCleanupIona“Vancouver Airport Authority is the Provincial Sponsor of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, a conservation initiative of the Vancouver Aquarium and World Wildlife Foundation.

With help from the neighbouring Sea Island community, we hope to work together to clean up our shorelines. Since 2012, over 2,000kg of waste has been cleared from Iona Beach with help of our volunteers.”

Shuttle buses will be running from Templeton Skytrain Station to Iona Beach Regional Park throughout the event. RSVP on Facebook to get all info and updates directly.

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