YWCA Women of Distinction Award Winners

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The YWCA Women of Distinction Awards were held in Vancouver last night, hosted by the YWCA of Metro Vancouver at the Vancouver Convention Centre West. Over 1,300 guests, dignitaries, and nominees were in attendance to celebrate over 80 women who were nominated for awards this year.

YWCA Women of Distinction Awards

“To strong women:
May we know them, may we raise them, may we be them”
~ Chrysabelle @YWCAVAN

Along with a live and silent auction, three-course dinner, raffle, and of course the awards ceremony, there were also speakers on behalf of the YWCA featured in a touching video. One of the video segments featured Chrysabelle, who has been a member of the Support Group for Single Mothers. Her story showed perseverance and resilience, and she encouraged everyone in the room to donate to the YWCA.

As a result of her efforts, the volunteers, the other women in the video, the live auction (where a stay at the Loden Penthouse and club tickets to Adele went for a whopping $8,000) and the amazing atmosphere at the event, over $83,000 was raised for the YWCA last night.

YWCA Women of Distinction Award Winners

13 awards were handed out last night, here is each of the winners and their category:

  • Connecting the Community Award: Traci Costa (Peekaboo Beans)
  • Outstanding Workplace: Peekaboo Beans
  • Young Woman of Distinction: Zoya Jiwa
  • Research, Sciences: Patricia Janssen of UBC
  • Public Service: Kathy Kinloch of BCIT
  • Non-Profit: Ann Alexander of PLEA (Pacific Legal Education Association)
  • Health, Wellness: Dr Shimi Kang
  • Environmental, Sustainability: Amanda Pitre-Hayes of City of Vancouver (Greenest City)
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation: Lotte Davis of AG Hair
  • Education, Training, Development: Penny Gurstein of UBC SCARP (School of Community and Regional Planning)
  • Community Champion: Marcia Nozick of EMBERS Vancouver (Eastside Movement for Business and Econoic Renewal Society)
  • Business & the Professions: Sue Paish of Life Labs
  • Arts, Culture, Design: Artemis Gordon of Arts Umbrella

“You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face, and show the world all the love in your heart.” ~ Sue Paish quoted Carol King.

YWCA Metro Vancouver is dedicated to achieving women’s equality. Their mission is to touch lives and build better futures for women and their families through advocacy and integrated services that foster economic independence, wellness and equal opportunities. Follow the YWCA of Vancouver on Facebook and Twitter for more information.

Miss604 is a proud sponsor of the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards

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