Archive for January, 2015

Why Does Rain Smell So Good

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In Vancouver we have at least a dozen ways to say it’s raining out, from light drizzle tapering to showers, to downpours and deluges. The rain also has many sounds. There’s the splash of vehicle crossing an intersection, a persistent single drop beating down on a window ledge, and the popcorn dance of water beads […]

The East Van Cross

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Developed from a graffiti symbol that has circulated for several decades, the Monument for East Vancouver sculpture (known also as the East Van Cross) was created by Ken Lum as an expression of hope and defiance. Installed in 2010 at the corner of Clark and East 6th Avenue, Lum once told the Vancouver Sun that […]

San Andreas Fault at Coachella Valley Preserve

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — Views expressed in this post are my own. I would like to thank Rogers Communications for organizing the trip to use Roam Like Home. With Roam Like Home, Rogers customers can use their Share Everything plans (data and unlimited talk and text) in the U.S. for just $5/day. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

San Andreas Fault at Coachella Valley Preserve and the Thousand Palms Oasis near Palm Springs, California.

Robert Burns Statue in Stanley Park

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Upon entering Stanley Park, either by turning east off Georgia Street from Vancouver or from the Coal Harbour Seawall, the first statue you will come across is that of Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns. A photo posted by Rebecca Bollwitt (@miss604) on Jan 6, 2015 at 12:25pm PST Robert Burns Statue in Stanley Park […]

RunGo Dash for Dogs

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The RunGo app, a running app with turn-by-turn instructions for popular running routes in cities like Vancouver, London, New York, and Seattle, is hosting the Dash for Dogs in February. This is a guided 10km, 5km or 2km run or walk through Stanley Park with 100% of proceeds going to BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. […]