Archive Photos of the Day: On The Job
byI began assembling this collection of photos from the City of Vancouver Archives on Labour Day, hence the theme, and while it didn’t get published then, I still love these “on the job” photos of Vancouver workers throughout the years:

1887: C.P.R. crossing under construction on Cordova between Seymour and Granville Streets. Archives# Can P25.
1944: Workers cleaning the exterior of the Dominion Bank Building. Archives# CVA 1184-225.
1941: Workers processing salmon. Archives# CVA 586-700.
1910: Interior of Vancouver Map and Blueprint Company Limited at 441 Seymour Street. Archives# Misc P3.
1940s: Woman using the pneumatic tube delivery system at the offices of Kelly Douglas Ltd. & B.C. Telephone employee using a large adding machine. Archives# CVA 1184-2097 & CVA 1184-2882.
1914: Workers with sections of the facade of the Credit Foncier Building at 850 West Hastings which is under construction. Archives# M-14-93.
1947: B.C. Telephone workers at Robson Street. Archives# CVA 1184-2894.
1942: Workers assembling airplane parts at the Boeing plant on Sea Island. Archives# CVA 1184-1143.
1912: Interior of the real estate office of Lawson and Shepherd. Archives# Bu P681.
1947: United Airlines reservation staff at work. Archives# CVA 1184-2919. Photo by Jack Lindsay.
1946: Parsons, Brown [Limited office at 535 Homer Street. Archives# CVA 586-4166 & CVA 586-4170.
1909: Bridge workers on the second Granville Bridge during construction. Archives# CVA 1376-451. Bullen Photo Co.
1900: Letter carriers and inside workers in the post office at Pender Street and Granville Street. Archives# Port P957.
1930s: Railroad workers and B.C.E.R. engine number 981. Archives# CVA 677-384.
1900s: Interior of an unidentified office. Archives# CVA 371-146.
1943: Woman washing CPR car. Archives# CVA 586-1157.