Archive Photos of the Day: Vancouver Traffic
byAccording to TomTom’s Traffic Index, Vancouver was the most congested city in North America for the second quarter of 2013. Despite a great walk score, bike lanes, and transit options, traffic is a part of daily life in our city — and it has been for the last century. I dug through the Vancouver Archives to bring you today’s archive photo feature: Vancouver Traffic — albeit very light in these historical photos compared to now.

1929: Granville at King Edward. Photographer: Stuart Thomson. Archives# CVA 99-3640.
1928: Brake test on Georgia. Photographer: Stuart Thomson. Archives# CVA 99-1842.
1914. Car crash at Granville Street at Connaught Drive. Vancouver Archives# Str P409.2.
1952: Seymour at Georgia. Archives# CVA 772-14 & 1942: Stanley Park Drive. Archives# CVA 1184-144.
1939: Pender at Beatty. Archives# CVA 772-3.
1927: Traffic accident. Photographer: Stuart Thomson. Archives# CVA 99-1974.
1974: Victory Square. Archives# CVA 780-767.
1974 & 1975: Water Street. Photographer: William E. Graham. Archives#: cva 1135-60 & cva 1135-44.
1980s: Alma at Broadway. Archives# CVA 772-72 & Granville at Broadway. Archives# CVA 772-675.
1980s: Homer at Pender. Archives# CVA 772-838.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
These are Great Pictures, I was born 1944 and the Memories they have brought back. Are there other pictures in a Book or Archives somewhere ? Our father Norman Byers,was quite well known in Vancouver as a Plasterer, he did quite a bit of Decorative work. He made a Life Size Plaster Lion for Spencers [later Etons]parade the Men coming home from war 1942, it was on Display at the Forum [PNE] for years, then the Lion was put in a Cage at the foot of Pendrell St. as a tourist attraction. It started to get into a poor state, the B.C. Lions took it over in the early 1950’s got our father to repair it and it was painted Gold, used for the B. C. Lions Parade each fall and the PNE Parade end of Summer for years. He also made a Table Lamp & Shade, that was made for B C Electric in 1939. It was in the Forum and used as a information booth. I believe it was wired up and worked. He did many other projects as well, but those were the two most well known.