Archives Photos of the Day: From the Rooftops
byAerial photos of Vancouver are always stunning, giving us a new perspective of our city, mountains, and ocean views. I’ve featured aerial photography and archive aerial photography before but I thought I would get yet another angle for today’s photo roundup. I searched the Vancouver Public Library archives for old rooftop photos, enjoy!

1906 – Looking south on Granville from just north of Pender.
VPL Number: 5226. Photographer: Philip Timms.
1910 – Howe Street to the waterfront.
VPL Number: 7768. Photographer: Philip Timms.
1930s – Rooftop View of a Military Parade on Burrard near Georgia.
VPL Number: 7864B. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
1931 – 3-part panorama looking north-west from the 2nd Hotel Vancouver. Hotel Georgia in the foreground.
VPL Number: 4260. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
1931 – 3-part panorama looking north from the 2nd Hotel Vancouver. Hotel Georgia in the foreground.
VPL Number: 4261. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
1931 – 3-part panorama looking north-east from the 2nd Hotel Vancouver. Hotel Georgia in the foreground. VPL Number: 4262. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
1931 – Looking north-west from the 2nd Hotel Vancouver at the construction of the 3rd Hotel Vancouver.
VPL Number: 8909. Photographer: Leonard Frank.
1931 – Rooftop view looking north from Queen Elizabeth Park.
VPL Number: 4507. Photographer: Leonard Frank.