Blogger Profile: Tairalyn Ciulla

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the years I have profiled bloggers from the Northwest Territories to the Fraser Valley, anyone that interests me and that I hope will interest you as well. A few years ago I started asking a standard set of questions and I’ve sent these out to a few local bloggers for this week’s series. Click, share, explore, and enjoy.

Tairalyn Ciulla

Blog: LittleMissMama | Facebook: /TheLittleMissMama | Twitter: @QueenEarlGrey

How long has your blog
been around?

Little Miss Mama was born in March of 2011, weighing a mere 12,000 pixels.

She has come a long way, mastering some serious milestones including the proper uses of there and their, how to not offend the world and taking a picture that’s worth looking at.

What is your role?
I am the writer, designer, fashion fem, diy’er, and baker behind Little Miss Mama.

What does your site do/what is it about
Little Miss Mama is considered a Lifestyle and Fashion Blog. With weekly staples such as “What I Wore” and “Spot the Steal”. Surprising my lovelies every week with sugary sweet baking recipes that are not for the faint of heart and designer on a dime DIY’s that save you from spending your months earning on a single pair of shoes. I’ve been called a Fashionable Crafting Baking Fairy once or twice before…. bringing people goodness to their inbox Monday through Friday.

What can people see, read, and do when visiting your site?
I am best known for my What I Wore, Spot the Steal, and Designer on a Dime posts. Each and every Wednesday you can see “what I wore”. Fashion the everyday woman can obtain, including links to where the pieces can be purchased. Coming back on Thursdays, you can play “spot the steal” with two almost identical pieces of fashion go head to head, and you have to determine which is the steal. A fun game that my lovelies come back for again and again, testing their smarts at ridiculously priced fashion, all while picking up some amazing deals.

Why do you blog?
Good question…. *and that’s the end of Little Miss Mama*
Only Teasing – I blog to keep my sanity. I am a stay at home mom of a toddler, which means I depend on social media to stay connected the 3 hours a day I get while baby recharges her batteries. I love to reach out to like minded individual and the wild feeling you get when you connect with someone on the other side of the world.

What is the ultimate goal for your site, how would you like to see it grow?
Success. Although measured differently among us all. I would love for Little Miss Mama to be household name. For woman to visit and be inspired, to try new trends they have been unsure of, to find serenity in baking, to attempt crafting vs. dream pinning, and to love and appreciate the skin you’re in. Although I have a ways to go before I feel like I have accomplished what I have set out to do, I am loving the journey along the way.

Follow Tairalyn on LittleMissMama, Twitter, and Facebook.

Read all entries in my Blogger Profile series and feel free to suggest a blogger for possible feature in the comments of this post.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. LoriThursday, January 31st, 2013 — 3:33pm PST

    Hi Rebecca,
    Next time you do blogger profiles, I would love to take part.
    Thanks Lori McGrath

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