Blogger Profile: Nat Nanton
byOver the years I have profiled bloggers from the Northwest Territories to the Fraser Valley, anyone that interests me and that I hope will interest you as well. A few years ago I started asking a standard set of questions and I’ve sent these out to a few local bloggers for this week’s series. Click, share, explore, and enjoy.

Ami Sanyal Photography
Nat Nanton
Blog: Nat Nanton
Twitter: NatNanton
Facebook: /TutuMama
Instagram: NatNanton
How long has your blog been around?
My blog was born in February 2011. It’s my second toddler.
What is your role?
This blog has been a labour of my love from start to present (no end in sight). I built it, designed it, and I write every post.
What does your site do/what is it about is for mothers who feel motivated by their children to live their best life. I provide readers with inspiration, resources, and insights that empower mothers to live up to their potential. I write about inspired parenting, health, fitness, creativity, setting goals, and overcoming obstacles (because motherhood isn’t all cuddles and kodak moments).
What can people see, read, and do when visiting your site?
People can check out the weekly Instagram challenge for mothers and find out how to participate.
They can click through to my online tutu boutique, Tutu Mama.
They leave with tips, tricks and fresh perspectives on how to take themselves to the next level.
And if they like what they see, they can sign up for email updates!
Why do you blog?
The other day I heard a woman say, “why would I have children? Children are dream-killers”…
That is why I blog. To spread the message that motherhood is the magnetic pull to fulfilling one’s purpose.
I show my readers that children are walking/eating/pooping motivation machines. A dreamer’s dream, really.
What is the ultimate goal for your site, how would you like to see it grow?
The ultimate goal of my site is to grow a community of make-it-happen moms online and to provide them with the chance to connect offline, through retreats and conferences worldwide.
If you’re going to dream, dream big. Right?
Follow Nat on her blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook.
Read all entries in my Blogger Profile series and feel free to suggest a blogger for possible feature in the comments of this post.
7 Comments — Comments Are Closed
A worthy blogger to feature. Congrats Nat!
Awesome feature Nat!
I love Nat Nanton – wonderful lady, wonderful blog!! Love the profile!!
I also see “children are walking/eating/pooping motivation machines. A dreamer’s dream, really.” they keep me going in life and motivate me to write although I don’t blog about kids family or motherhood but they are for sure my inspiration.
Love it, keep up the great work Nat!
You are one passionate Mama…your toddler must be one special babe.
Thanks for all the love, everyone! xo
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