BC Health Service Locator App

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The BC Ministry of Health has recently launched a free mobile application that helps residents locate their nearest health services.

BC Health App

I took a quick spin around the BC Health Service Locator and did a search for something I had to find before. I looked for the travel clinic I found last February when I needed to get my Yellow Fever vaccination for my trip to Ghana. The results came up within a couple clicks on the app and included the location, hours, link to the clinic’s website, and a button to save this information to my iPhone’s contacts.

BC Health App

Search results appear in a list view but you can click on the settings icon (that looks like a cog) and change it to a map view or “Sort by Distance”. For this feature to work you’ll need your location settings turned on so it can give you directions. You can also click to get the latest government health alerts, direct from BC HealthLink.

It’s a handy tool for those on the go. Having this information in the palm of your hand is useful since you’ll need to call to make appointments and it can easily locate services that are closest to you.

The BC Health Services App is free to download from the iTunes store but I haven’t been able to find it on my desktop iTunes, only directly from the app store on my iPhone. I also haven’t been able to locate a link to any other mobile marketplaces from the HeathLink BC website but I have sent an email to one of the volunteers who worked on the app to find out if they have plans for an Android version. The official launch is January 20, 2012 so I’m sure more information will be available after that time.

Update Thanks to Gillian for the additional information. The application has now officially launched and there is a website available with additional information.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Paul HillsdonWednesday, January 11th, 2012 — 3:24pm PST

    This is a really great app! Kudos to the Province!

  2. Gillian VroomanMonday, February 6th, 2012 — 2:51pm PST

    The BC Health Service Locator was official unveiled by the Province of BC today. There’s a site dedicated for the app (visit http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/app/) that has an overview of its features as well as a FAQ and Support section. You can also watch a demo of the app in action here: http://youtu.be/HGy5P_lE6Zw. Thanks!

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