Prince at Rogers Arena, Win Tickets
byPrince is coming to Rogers Arena in Vancouver on December 16th as a part of his Canadian tour. The Purple Rain artist has already see rave reviews pour in from some of his shows back East:

Photo courtesy of Live Nation
“He sang in his raspy midrange and piping falsetto, danced with liquid ease, and played ornate moody guitar solos as though thinking aloud through the instrument.” – The Globe and Mail.
“…continuously wowed for three hours by the undiminished vitality of the man’s stage presence, and indeed of the whole, mesmerizing Prince thing, 30-odd years into his singular and uncompromising career.” –
Tickets are still available and they start at $38 and go up to $246.70 (plus fees, taxes).
I have partnered with Live Nation to give away a pair of tickets to see Prince live in Vancouver. Here’s how you can enter to win:
- Leave a comment on this post naming a Prince song (1 entry)
- Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
I wil draw one winner at 10:00am on Friday, December 9, 2011.
Update The winner is Kelly!
240 Comments — Comments Are Closed
let’s go crazy!
Purple Rain
Raspberry Beret!
Purple Rain
Prince was my hero from the drop of Purple Rain. Though who didnt love Sexy MF and Cream?
when doves cry
Raspberry beret!
Thieves in The Temple
Purple Rain
Purple Rain
Purple Rain
Erotic City
“Purple Rain”
little red corvette
When Julie Roberst was singing along to Prince in the huge bubble bath and Richard Gere walks in on her, hehe – that scene made be fall in love with Prince!
You don’t have to be rich to be my girl
You don’t have to be cool to rule my world
Ain’t no particular sign I’m more compatible with
I just want your extra time and your kiss
The best Prince song: Sexy MF
cream. – other entry i put in the wrong email!
NIKKI….how my first son was conceived…LOL..sorry for the TMI..
If i was your girlfriend
When Doves Cry!
Raspberry Beret!!! The kind you’d find in a second hand store 🙂
Little Red Corvette.
purple rain
Raspberry Beret!
I Would Die 4U
Purple Rain!!!
When Doves cry 🙂
Purple rain
1999 – 2000 zero zero party over oops out of time, tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 1999 🙂
the most beautiful girl in the world
Purple rain
When Doves Cry
Purple Rain Classic
Raspberry Beret…
When Doves Cry for sure!
if i was your girlfriend
Darling Nikki
When doves cry, my fave
Im still a huge fan. I still remember seeing purple rain when it came out
Absolutely without a doubt, Purple Rain!!! 🙂
Little Red Corvette!
Purple Rain.
Raspberry beret…………….I think I looooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeee yoooouuuuuuuuu!
Little Red Corvette!
Purple Rain……Oh the karaoke!
When Doves Cry was my favourite! What a great time that would be to see Prince!
Diamonds and Pearls
7! love Prince!
Purple Rain!
Let’s go crazy!
Anna Stesia and When 2 R in Love – I was “the” Prince fan. He is so talented.
purple rain!!!
Purple Rain
When Doves Cry
KISS under the Purple Rain!
Raspberry Beret!
Purple Rain
“Erotic City”.
One of the best dance party tunes of all time!
International Lover
purple rain
When Doves Cry!
Darling Nikki
Purple Rain!!
Sign of the times
Kiss! My favourite one.
I wanted to go so badly, but tickets were so pricey! prince is Amazing
When Doves Cry (hopefully I win a ticket or it’ll be When Al Cries!)
It has to be “Raspberry Beret”!!
Diamonds and Pearls!!!
Kiss! Thanks for the giveaway!
Batdance!!! Remember that?
Pussy Control!
Erotic City!!
I remember this was banned from radio back in 1986-87. I was 15 and it was very scandalous (at the time)
Party like its 1999, always loved it
Cinnamon Girl
Sea of Everything 🙂
I just want your extra time and your…..KISS!
Purple Rain
Raspberry Beret
Sign Of The Times
Diamonds and Pearls
Raspberry beret!
Little Red Corvette!
Jam of the Year
Baby I’m a Star!
Purple Rain!
Alphabet Street
Little Red Corvette.
Let’s Go Crazy
Erotic City
If I Was Your Girlfriend
when doves cry…that’s my joint!!!
batdance, 1999, purple rain, little red corvette. i could go on and on….great songs
Purple Rain
Purple Rain
Purple Rain.
Raspberry Beret!!
Little Red Corvette
purple rain 🙂
When Doves Cry!!! I can’t even handle the idea of seeing Prince live.
life can be so nice
Nothin compares 2 U
Little red corvette!!
Raspberry beret
Diamonds & Pearls
Purple Rain
purple rain!
Purple rain
I used to mow the lawn to Prince. Once a week all summer, when I was 12 or 13. Both sides of 1999. Can’t imagine what it did to me. Hand cranked down on the throttle. Smell of gasoline thick in the air. Sweating heavily. Feeling my booty start to twitch. Little Red Corvette!
When dove’s cry.
Purple Rain
Let’s go crazy.
Little Red Corvette
Come on… it’s my birthday that weekend… make it awesome!
when doves cry! thanks for the contest!
Erotic City
Purple Rain.
Let’s Go Crazy
Raspberry beret definitely my fav prince song!
When Doves Cry
Purple Rain!
I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man
U Got The Look
purple rain!!
Purple rain
still would stand all time
There’ll Never B) Another Like Me
Raspberry Beret!
I’d go crazy WHILE wearing my raspberry beret
*KISS* !!
Purple Rain
Purple Rain!
Purple Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walk in Sand
My very first album Purple Rain!
Purple Rain
Let’s Go Crazy!!!
Raspberry Beret
Purple rain
Love that song!
Purple Rain
Little Red Corvette!!!!!!
When Doves Cry
when doves cry
Purple Rain
Raspberry Beret!
imma gonna go with lets go crazy! love that song!
Little Red Corvette!! sooo much fun
Planet Earth!
purple rain
Darling Nikki
When Doves Cry
Purple Rain
When Doves Cry
Where art thou, my Prince? it’s your ‘Darling Nikki’. would love to see you. ‘I Would Die for You’!
Diamonds and Pearls
purple rain!
When Doves Cry
Little Red Corvette
Purple Rain
Purple rain 😀
Purple Rain!
When Doves Cry – Crank the volume up for this song!
Darling Nikki!
When Doves Cry is my favourite!!
Purple Rain
Kiss.. Muahh!
Party like it’s 1999!
Raspberry Beret!
The most beautiful girl in the world
Purple Rain
“When Doves Cry”.
Little Red Corvette…..Love Prince! He does it all!
When Doves Cry.
Thank you!
Luv that Minneapolis old school funk! My fave song these days is “Musicology”.
Darling Nikki! First Ave – represent!
When Doves Cry
Purple Rain
Erotic City!!!! Love, love , love, love, love PRINCE!!!!!!!
Raspberry Beret
Purple Rain
Obviously Purple Rain – the best of Prince!
Kiss is my fave song by Prince
“Nothing Compares to You” written by Prince, performed by Sinead O’Connor
When Doves Cry
When Doves Cry! Pick me!!!!
Purple Rain
Purple Rain
“I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man”
Purple Rain!
Purple rain
My fave song Diamonds and Pearls
Purple Rain
When Doves Cry
Purple Rain!
If I was your Girlfriend
Would have to be Erotic City – we used to SCREAM at the top of our lungs when this song came on at Holidays in North Van….ohhhhh – such great timeS! 🙂
Purple Rain
1999!!! Who can forget Y2K??
1999….love it!
Call my name
Purple Rain
I Wanna Be Your Lover
purple rain