BC Family Day: February Stat Holiday to Start 2013

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update February 2013: I have compiled a list of events and activities for BC’s first Family Day.

BC is finally getting a statutory holiday in February. The province’s first “Family Day” will be February 18 11th, 2013, reported Bob Mackin from the Throne Speech at the provincial legislature this afternoon.

Photo credit: Keoni Cabral on Flickr

According to CTV the speech also discussed funding to address class composition at BC schools, promises to bring retired judges back to work to reduce overcrowding in the courts, and broadcasting the trials of those charged in the Stanley Cup riot.

The response to the Family Day announcement was already overwhelming on Twitter, just minutes after the word spread. As a couple with a wedding anniversary in February, I’m rather excited about the possibility of a long weekend to celebrate in years to come. Here’s hoping this extra day off will help us all beat those winter blues.

Update May 14, 2012: The Government of BC wants your input as to whether the stat should be the second or third Monday in February (starting in 2013). They are asking people to tweet using the tag #MyBCFD tomorrow, May 15, 2012 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm to discuss.

Update May 28, 2012: The date has finally been set for BC’s first Family Day!

It will take place on the second Monday in February starting in 2013 — so the first will be Monday, February 11, 2013. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario all have a Family Day stat holiday on the third Monday of February.

According to the @CBCSmart Twitter account: “Family Day feedback: 31146 comments, 18000 wanted 2nd Mon in Feb, 9400 wanted 3rd Mon. 3500 just want another day off!”

11 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. DaveSunday, January 22nd, 2012 — 5:40pm PST

    Well, it’s about time!

  2. JamesWednesday, February 22nd, 2012 — 2:58pm PST

    Although I am happy for the stat day in February, calling “Family Day” is stupid. If the government truly wants a family day, have all businesses close. I imagine this is to promote relationship building. I fail to understand why this means going to the mall to wonder and waste time.

  3. seanSaturday, April 7th, 2012 — 11:03pm PDT

    Why not have darwin day, the birth of charles darwin was feb 12th. every holiday seems to revolve around a mentally unstable man claiming to be the son of god.

  4. yasminSunday, May 13th, 2012 — 8:09am PDT

    bravo.. finally we celebrate something that is important for human being…. FAMILY…. for those who does not have one… just adopt one… and be happy on life….
    Sorry James but we can not close business… it’s a celebration!!!!!! and business contribute with this!!!

  5. E-manMonday, May 14th, 2012 — 10:29pm PDT

    I’m all for a statutory holiday between New Year’s and Easter, but we don’t need any more stats. It means one less day of school for kids, who already get stats, teachers’ professional devt days, and other school closures. It also means one less day of productivity for employed adults.
    *** Solution: abolish Boxing Day – which is almost redundant since many people take off the whole week between Christmas and New Year’s anyway, and with those who don’t how much work really gets done that week – and replace it with “Family Day”.

  6. JD ThomasMonday, May 21st, 2012 — 9:22pm PDT

    Agree with 3rd Week of February. But prefer no new holiday.

  7. North Columbia Trading Co LtdTuesday, May 22nd, 2012 — 1:04pm PDT

    we manufacture Calendars for all of Canada and to think you would change the date of family day to be different than the other three or four provinces is totally nuts and more Canadian communities are following the existing provinces . So why would BC want to be different. We are days from printing and have the holiday mark as same day of other Canadian communities.
    We also do trade shows which are now schedule around family day holiday which in the past where not concerned. So why once again, would we want to be different .. problems ahead if you make it a different date.
    thanks for our op to give us our say.
    Lee Starrett
    for North Columbia and our staff etc

  8. ScotTuesday, May 29th, 2012 — 11:16am PDT

    The fact that we have chosen the second Monday in February rather than the third Monday in February is completely assanine in my opinion. With Toronto and the rest of the financial markets in Canada and the US open on the second Monday, I will be working on the holiday and ironically see my family much less on “Family Day” than I would if BC had the holiday on the third Monday.

  9. miemieThursday, May 31st, 2012 — 12:24pm PDT

    So typical of Canadians/ BCers to want yet another day off, with pay.
    What does that do for our economy? Do the service industry workers, nurses etc. get double overtime too??
    To top it off, they picked the month that is already way shorter than any other…..

  10. MaliniaThursday, February 7th, 2013 — 3:54pm PST

    I have to work this day , my head office is in Montreal although they do not consider this a holiday for our office which sucks and all holidays need to equal within Canada offices. This is unfortunately not one of them, it really is pathetic as my whole building is shut down except our company because of these rules being applied on behalf of our head office in MTRL . I cannot believe this!!!!!!!!!! UGH

  11. susan youngSunday, February 10th, 2013 — 6:38am PST

    i think its a great idea to have a family day in mid feb. however, i am wondering how this can be called a family day, when both my teenage sons will be working! seems the less you make the more you get taken advantage of!if this were truly a family day all business should be closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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