Daffodil Day in BC

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The Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver have declared April 9th as Daffodil Day, in support of the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS).

The Vancouver Team wearing their pins – photo: Canadian Cancer Society on Flickr

It may look like a daffodil pin but it’s actually a badge of courage. The Canadian Cancer Society is distributing daffodil pins as well as live flowers in 2010 in association with the inaugural Daffodil Day.

The entire month of April in BC and Vancouver is Daffodil Month but on the 9th people are encouraged to wear daffodil pins to show their support. Pins can be purchased by donation at the following locations across the province:

ABC Restaurants, Blockbuster, Buy Low Foods/Nesters Markets, Chevron Town Pantry/Van Houtte Coffee, Flight Center, Java Hut, Johnston Meier Insurance, Kirmac, Life Labs, Liquidation World, Macs Convenience Stores, Prospera Credit Union, Wireless Wave.

Events across BC and the Yukon can be found listed online. You can follow @DaffodilDayCCS on Twitter or Facebook for news and updates leading up to April 9th, 2010.

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