As John and I spend the better part of today flying home from the Dominican Republic — back to the land of cool mountain air nipping at frosty noses — here is this week’s link fest for you to enjoy.

Photo credit:
Judy B on Flickr
Canyon Lights at Capilano Suspension Bridge kicks off tomorrow night. Congratulations to my contest winners, Cameron and Tina!
A favourite event of ours is the Vancouver Giants Teddy Bear Toss which is happening December 5th during their game versus the Oil Kings. Bring a stuffed or plush toy to the game and toss it on the ice when directed to do so. All will be donated to The Province Empty Stocking Fund.
Stop by the QE Theatre for your last chance to participate in the Vancouver Opera’s Food Bank Drive on Saturday December 5th.
Got Craft? this Sunday December 6th at the Legion (2205 Commercial Drive) from 11:00am until 5:00pm. Admission is $2 for adults and $0 for kids.
The Rogers Santa Claus Parade is this Sunday as well. Remember to bring non-perishable food donations for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and there is also a tweetup to rally volunteers.
Christmas at Canada Place launches on Sunday December 6th with their annual Breakfast with Santa benefiting the Strathcona Community Centre.
Verve Hair Lounge in North Vancouver is doing a Wigs for Kids campaign on Sunday December 6th from 4:00pm until 8:00pm.
The Canuck Place Radiothon Day of Giving with CHUM Radio stations is Tuesday December 8th.
Speaking of radio, tune into CBC radio tomorrow morning as I’ll be on the Early Edition during their Food Bank Radio Day as they collect donations for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society. It’s also an open house over at their newly remodeled downtown broadcast facilities so feel free to stop on by.