Goodbye Talk1410

Comments 76 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I'm a Talk1410am Girl NowThere have been many changes in the Vancouver radio landscape over the last year or so and while some have been great (such as the addition of The Peak 100.5 and Shore 104.1), the mics of many beloved personalities have been turned off.

This morning I hopped into a Zipcar and while the tuner said “1410” I heard the call sign “Team 1410”. I thought this must instantly be a mistake since Chum Radio Vancouver hosts both stations. The message was followed by a show intro and then men talking about basketball.

Instantly flipping over to Twitter I saw an update from John Bollwitt that included this link:

A message from James Stuart – Vice President & General Manager of CHUM Radio Vancouver….
… In 1996 CFUN’s very successful run as a music station came to an end and it began its life in the talk radio world. Since that time we as a company have continually and aggressively endeavoured over the years to grow the size of listening audience, and even though the effort has certainly been there, the results have shown us that our business model for CFUN must change – and the time for that change to happen is now.

To those who have listened to TALK 1410 through the many ups and downs of the talk format and changes in styles and personalities…we sincerely thank you and we also sincerely thank the advertisers who have supported the radio station as well over the past years. I truly hope you will give our new station a try, but I also will understand if you decide that it is not for you.

We will be the new home for world class sports personalities including Jim Rome, Dan Patrick, Bob McCown and the best of the best ESPN sports insiders. We will broadcast every BC Lions game, from pre-season to playoffs, and hopefully, all the way to the Grey Cup. Along with that, you’ll be able to listen and join in the conversation with extensive pre and post game shows for all of the Lions games. 1410 is now the new and permanent full time home for BC lions football in Vancouver, and that starts tomorrow night with the crucial, must win game against the Eskimo’s at BC Place. If you’re going to the game, take your radio and you can follow all the action as only Rick Ball & Giulio Caravatta can describe it, right here on TEAM 1410. [Read more…]

From what I understand, Talk 1410 (or 14 CFUN as many previously knew it) has ceased to exist. The Team 1410 will be kind of like an “ESPN 2”, complimenting the Team 1040. Nothing has changed at The Team 1040 aside from the fact that they will now have a brother station providing amped-up sports coverage. However to my knowledge, the future of those associated with Talk 1410 is entirely uncertain.

I have had the pleasure of appearing for a weekly afternoon segment at Talk 1410 for the last year, working with amazing folks like Patrick Maliha, Val Cole, Kate Gajdosik, Art Factora, and Joe Leary. I’m not sure where they are right now, or where they will be, but I wanted to say they will be greatly missed from the airwaves.

Val Cole and Patrick Maliha of Talk1410am

Not a week went by that I didn’t have someone email my contact form to say they listened to and enjoyed the segment. I can only imagine how the impact the full time shows, hosts, and segments had on the population.

I hope for the very best for all Talk 1410 personnel as they were truly a great bunch to work with. If you can find your favourite host online (website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN etc.) let them know how much you appreciated their talents.

As a side note, I have been interviewing people for a series about radio in Vancouver over the last month and it will be published in the coming weeks. At this time I just want to encourage Vancouverites to listen to local radio. It’s there with you anytime you need it – at home, in the car, during your commute and even in the shower. It’s free, hyper-local content at its best.

Update: Joe Leary is still on-air and back in the mornings with TEAM 1410 hosting a sports talk show.

Also, the legendary call letters, “CFUN” have been signed over to Rogers for use with their all time hits station 104.9. The TEAM 1410 will be using CFTE.

So in the end, CFUN is still alive in Vancouver, just with a new company, new content, and new frequency.

76 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Alan HawkerThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 11:35am PST

    I started listening to Talk1410 after seeing you mention it, and really enjoyed it. Really gutted that it has been shut down. In the early 90s in the UK we had a station called Talk Radio, which had a similar format to Talk1410 and that was changed a year or so later into Talk Sport, so I have been here before.

    Will really miss listening to Dave Brindle, Nikki Renshaw and Joe Leary and emailed them on a few occasions and was mentioned on air.

    Very sad day.

  2. anita websterThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 11:36am PST

    I will miss Talk 1410. The media landscape in this city is shifting pretty fast these days. I remember one 10 am martini-making session that I arranged for Grey Goose vodka – they were great sports. I wish them all well.

  3. Tanya (aka NetChick)Thursday, November 5th, 2009 — 11:59am PST

    As someone who is very much involved in radio… This was a big surprise this morning. 🙁 My best wishes go out to everyone who was let go.

    Wow, is the Vancouver radio scene ever changing by the day.

  4. crunchyThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 12:46pm PST

    Only other radio station I liked and enjoyed after was fun, local, insightful…the Vancouver Radio scene really sucks

  5. NataschaThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 1:05pm PST

    I can hardly believe they are all just gone; from one day to another. Talk1410 was my faithful companion for the past 7 years, Mon-Fri 8am – 3pm, because I work alone from home. It was such a cool way to “read the newspaper”. The crew at Talk 1410 sure kept me updated, and saw me through the word- and local events. What a great format for a show. What now? I have to read the newspaper myself? When? It’s really strange getting used to the silence. Not to be weired, but after all that time, Joe, Nikki, Patrick, … were almost like friends. It was so nice to turn on the radio and hear friendly voices. This really sucks.

  6. MirrenerThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 1:27pm PST

    I was just devastated to open up my daily link to 1410 only to discover it had been taken off the air. And how many bloody sports stations do there have to be? I really don’t understand how entire stations can be devoted to guys whacking some kind of ball around. It’s laughable how seriously they take the subject, and they really sound like complete idiots. When I flip the dial I can always tell the sports stations, even before I hear what they’re talking about, because they just sound so bloody stupid.
    I’ve listened to CFUN since the early Nik and Val days, and stuck by it even as they axed various people. Lately, Nikki’s show was the only one I liked, and with her gone I feel like I’ve lost a friend. I will miss her humour and laugh, her great interviews and insights into serious topics as well as entertainment.
    A very sad day 🙁 .

  7. SeasonsheartThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 1:46pm PST

    OMG Im in morning. Back to 980 and Cristy Clark. The only other intelligent talk show host on the air ways. Im gonna miss all of you.Please I beg another independent station to pick this format up. We will all follow. We have all of the hosts on face book so we will find them where ever they are.

  8. CeciliaThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 2:21pm PST

    I’ve been listening to 1410 since early 2003, but became almost obsessed when the format was changed last year to include Marke and Patrick, and Jen and Joe in the AM. When Marke, Patrick, Jen, Val and Kate were fired in July, I was devastated. The guts and fun were taken right out of the station, and though I liked Simi and Dave, I did not want 6 1/2 hours of them in the am, nor did I want Nikki and Joe by themselves. My listening time went right down, because the station became boring, and I felt as if I’d lost a community of friends. I still had 1410 on all my radio dials and I still called in occasionally, but the love affair was just about over. However, now I am terribly sad for all the staff for losing their jobs, but not as shocked as I was in July. The new format just didn’t work for me, but I can’t bear the fact that the talk format is gone. Damn…I miss everyone so much. Goodbye and thank you Nikki, Val, Jen, Joe, Kate, Marke, Patrick, Dave, Simi, Libby, Art, Ryan and the rest. Love, Cecilia

  9. CHOKEDThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 2:29pm PST

    I couldn’t believe it this morning when I heard all this rock music on Dave’s show. I thought maybe he was off sick. Then came Nikki’s show. Another strange format! So I went online and couldn’t believe what I was reading. Man, I have to listen to channel 22, 30 & 55 at night, as my husband flicks around later at night, to get the bloody rundown and watch the same plays over & over again! Now what? I feel bad that the hosts were probably told yesterday after the shows, and that is it!
    This station was up on what was happening locally too, so will miss that. I hope they get a job fast with the same format. I guess CHUM will get more advertising with the sports format.

  10. Alan HawkerThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 2:37pm PST

    I was just reading on Facebook that they presenters were only told this morning that they were being fired. How awful it that.
    I sent a strong email of dissent to [email protected] just now, so that they know that there are people who care about the loss of this station.

  11. Dawn is DownThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 3:51pm PST

    I cannot believe this crap!! Where is the radio formats for women now??? Grown men talking about sports all day shows the mental capacity of these people. Where is our local content…I heard this stupid guy talking about the NFL for 20 minutes, and it was so bloody infantile. I want Nik and Val, Joe and Jen, The old formats before they screwed up great on-air partnerships. I even miss Patrick!! (Dave Brindle is the only one that I can say “Don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good Lord split ya” he was an arrogant dolt.)
    I am sooo bummed sooo sad. Please someone, start another station with our friends.. Maybe CKNW can pick up a few of these talented people?
    This “Black Thursday” BLOWS!!! Sad day.

  12. Mourning MaureenThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 5:25pm PST

    Listen – that’s the sound of me switching the dial from 1410, where it’s been hovering ever since CKNW dropped Fanny Keifer a few years ago. I’m no “feminista” (thanks Dr Laura), but not having one female voice on the air turned me off. Though it got pretty silly at times, listening to 1410 was fun, informative – and entertaining especially when trapped in traffic! I was confused today when suddenly I was hearing that whining, blaring harangue that you get on sports radio. All about why they lost, why they won, who sucks – same story all the time. Aren’t women the ones who spend most of the money in this city? So why would those who spend the advertising dollars be calling for more sports? Well thanks for the chuckles and perspectives Val, Nic, Jenn, Joe, Patrick, Kate, Dave, Simi and all. Good luck. Hello Christy Clark!

  13. LisaThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 5:36pm PST

    I was driving to Chilliwack today and tuned to 1410am only to hear some rock music and US sports. Turned to 980 am(often too much political talk) to wait for the next segment. I thought Dave Brindle(who I wouldn’t miss anyway) was away and this was a fill in. Checking back through the day I can not beleive it!! I was dissappointed with all the programing changes back in July, but still listened often. Now as an all sports station I have no reason to tune in. The Vancouver female listener!!!

  14. CeciliaThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 5:43pm PST

    This is the letter I sent to [email protected].

    “As a long time listener and frequent caller to talk1410,(since 2003) I am deeply upset over the loss of my favourite radio station. The station had already decimated by the firing of Val, Jen, Patrick, Marke, and Kate in June/July of this year, and the newer format made for dull and uninspired programming. It was not the hosts’ fault, but I could certainly feel the atmosphere change. But still I tuned in to Nikki and Joe whenever I could.

    I liked Simi and Dave, but preferred the lighter, more humorous shows in the morning. Nevertheless, the loss of all these talented hosts has left an enormous void in the Vancouver radio landscape. I feel a complete loss of contact with local voices, both from hosts and callers.

    I feel particularly sorry for the hosts and staff. They must be devastated at losing their jobs. I have no interest or desire to listen to a sports station. If I want to see a sport, I’ll check it out on tv or live and in person.

    I understand that there was probably a monetary reason for changing the talk format, and that the owners could no longer afford to cater to a relatively small market. Still, giving us a fantastic station, and then summarily taking it away, is hardly going to garner sympathy and understanding. Surely the general audience, not to mention the hosts and staff, deserve something better than this.

    I want to offer my support and appreciation for all of the hosts, Val, Nikki, Marke, Patrick, Kate, Dave, Simi, and particularly Jen, and Joe. Also for their tech producers, Art, Ryan, Libby, and Rene. I will miss them all.”

  15. ElaineThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 6:05pm PST

    Someone has made a BIG mistake. The listening public will drop by 75%.

    What about all the coasttocoastam listners?

    I have been listening to this station for well over 10 years most of the day and supported the sponsers. I will not be lisening anymore.

    I felt sick when I realized my favorite station was now gone.

  16. G $$Thursday, November 5th, 2009 — 6:38pm PST

    I love the change, me being a sports fan, my wife on the other hand will miss the coast to coast shows as it helps her on those nights when she can’t get to sleep, now I really look forward to hearing live english football on weekends and live ncaa games which we couldn’t get-bring it on !!

  17. BThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 7:06pm PST

    I too was a huge fan of the format, and was very disappointed when the change happened in the summer as I wasn’t able to listen to my fav Dave Brindle in the eve! And then, Patrick, a whole different vibe, which I enjoyed as well. I would like to get Dave Brindle’s email address if that’s possible to thank him for the informative, respectful entertainment he’s provided me over the last yearish. Been listening for longer, but Dave since he had the one hour….sad day for AM radio, back to 980..

  18. symThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 8:45pm PST

    Shocked and upset today when I realized that talk1410 was gone. It was always more entertaining than the CBC (and not nearly as stuffy). Now I will be moving over to 980 – which has it’s good points, but they all have the same opinion over there …
    pro-olympics, pro-corporate, etc. Atleast 1410 had a range of opinions. The only good thing is that “dr.” laura is off of the vancouver airwaves…at least for now.

  19. JonThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 10:00pm PST

    Amazing how major changes in radio don’t even last 6 months anymore. Will we be hearing your segment pop up somewhere else?

  20. SUCKER_PUNCHEDThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 10:40pm PST

    No Coast To Coast AM????????? Never will I listen to a CHUM station again.

  21. GeoffThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 11:05pm PST

    I’m stunned. I’ve listened to CFUN for 14 years. So who are all these US sports listeners? More sports garbage on the air I can’t F**king believe they did this. Assholes.

  22. Alan HawkerThursday, November 5th, 2009 — 11:54pm PST

    Hi B, if you have a Facebook account, Dave Brindle is on there. I was looking for some of the other presenters, but am not sure if they have accounts, I have not found any yet.

  23. LindaFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 8:43am PST

    I have listened to 1410 every day for 10 years. I am stunned to lose all of these great shows in a heartbeat. It is a terrible blow for me. I could care less about sports and will now have to search the dial to find a talk show format but I doubt it will make up for the loss I feel. Thanks to all the presenters and their staff for giving me countless hours of enjoyment, information and a sense of community.

  24. ReallysurrealFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 9:12am PST

    Guess I will have to become a man hating, narrowminded, hockey mom now that I wont have Dr. Laura and George Noory giving me valuable insights into how to live a better life.

  25. DevistatedFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 10:51am PST

    I could just cry. I feel truly gutted.
    I’ve been listening to 1410 since the early to mid 90’s when Nikki wasn’t even on air yet but was producer of the Pia Shandel Show. Shortly thereafter she became host of the morning show with Nicola Crosby making the ‘The Nikk & Nic Show’. This is when my love affair with Talk1410 began.

    Another commenter took the words right from my finger tips:

    “Talk1410 has been my faithful companion…because I work alone from home. It was such a cool way to “read the newspaper”. The crew at Talk 1410 sure kept me updated, and saw me through the word- and local events. What a great format for a show. What now? I have to read the newspaper myself? When? It’s really strange getting used to the silence. Not to be weird, but after all that time, Joe, Nikki, Patrick,(etc) … were almost like friends. It was so nice to turn on the radio and hear friendly voices. This really sucks.”

    I’m a sure a great deal of us will be feeling a sense of mourning for the loss of so many amazing radio personalities that were also our faithful friends.

  26. TrishFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 11:15am PST

    I have been listening to CFUN 1410 since the days of Red Robinson and Rock’n’Roll. I have stayed tuned through so many format changes it would make your head spin. I have boycotted some shows that I truly didn’t like, but in general CFUN 1410 was MY station, day and night. During my night security shifts, Coast to Coast was the one to listen to, and hot topics of UFO’s, and government conspiracies, and global warning, were discussed amongst the night crew via 2 way radio, cell phone or over the fence. Nikki, Val, Joe and Jen, Kate, Marke, Dave Brindle, Patrick, Art , Ryan, and all the support staff on the day shifts, will be truly missed, and searched for. George Noory and company will be sorely missed, too.

    The other 2 local AM stations are ok, but one is a little too political (and getting too much sports minded) and the second one is just news/traffic/weather.

    Radio is just not for listening anymore.

    BTW, Joe Leary is on FB, as well as Dave Brindle.

  27. DaveFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 12:21pm PST

    After listening to 1410 all day long at work for the last few years, I have to say that I was crushed to see the changes made by CHUM this week. Who in Hell needs to listen to sports radio and head banger music all day long. It’s time that a few people at the top got let go, instead of the great folks at 1410 that have become our friends and kept up entertained day after day. It was clearly the beginning of the end back in June/July when the first group were let go. But this is just too much.
    It’s time the management at CHUM got their heads out of their asses and paid some attention to letters like these. This guy is done with CHUM and heading straight to Global, or CBC, or anyone else that will “talk” to me during the day. I couldn’t care less about sports radio.
    My heart goes out to all the great hosts and producers of The Buzz that were let go this week. Band together, we really want to hear your voices again.

  28. JohnFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 2:25pm PST

    Hi Miss604
    I listned to NW and Team 1040 for a coule of years..then I especially grew bored of 1040 with their everyday diet of Canuck whiners…it is nauseating. Then I found Patrick Mahliha and Kate Ga… and couldn’t stop laughing. I think Art is hillarious as well. I was very unhappy when Pat and Kate got the boot – but was entertained to hear him guest host once in a while. I started liking Leary a bit and even Brindle and Renshaw. I am very sad to see this format go away…but I am confident that team 1410 will drown in less than a year as well. There isn’t a market here for a 2nd sports radio station …even if its ESPN. I am hopeful that if 1410’s top talent land on another radio station…they will thrive and I will seek them out. Right now I feel abit heartbroken.

  29. Art FactoraFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 2:58pm PST

    Thank you all for the support. It’s really nice to know how appreciated you were from the listeners. As radio broadcasters we just talk and assume people are listening. Could be 1 or it could be 1 million. I don’t know what’s next for me but I can only hope it’s bigger and better things. If you’ve got a minute check out my blog. (not as good as Miss604 but I’m trying) Thanks again. Art Factora

  30. khiskaFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 4:19pm PST

    This is really an affront to all us listeners since it was Cfun
    How can they sell out to all american programs
    WE were Vancouver and I loved most of the talk show hosts but noticed in the last few months they were stripping some of my favourites
    I couldn’t believe that in the morning when I expected to wake up with Simi Sara after Coast to coast to be bombarded by SPORTS
    I thought I had lost it and where was I?
    This is an abomination
    Any ideas how we can get through to these stupid people

  31. myogaFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 6:15pm PST

    What a dissapointment! All the time I spend in the car and always listen to my favorite radio personalities on talk 1410. Big mistake on the stations part.

  32. MamashipFriday, November 6th, 2009 — 9:49pm PST

    I smell the Olympics.

  33. rysSaturday, November 7th, 2009 — 9:38am PST

    I still don’t understand how this was possible. Are the listeners of the 1410, RIP, really such a minority? I don’t know anybody who would listen to the station in its new format, so how can it be financially better for the owners?
    Now I will never know what “Vancouver is really talking about”…

  34. FrankSaturday, November 7th, 2009 — 10:16am PST

    Totally devastated, when I am in my office I listen on line, when I drive my long trips every week I listen, when I am in my remote office I listen on line. I am a sports guy but I can get that in numerous places already. Talk radio is a lot harder to find. I will miss them all.

  35. s. o.Saturday, November 7th, 2009 — 8:52pm PST

    I was totally shocked to find out about 1410 , listening to the simi, dave, nikki and joe show was something I looked forward to everyday to get an update and a bit of a different perspective on the happenings of the day. I took 1410 off my settings now. I mean really, another sports radio, borrrrinnng! Does anyone know if/ where the staff ended up?

  36. HelenSunday, November 8th, 2009 — 12:29am PST

    I will not be listening to any of your stations again. I will make a list of every radio station owned by you and will delete all of them from my radio.
    I hope the people responsible for this will lose their jobs.
    We now have more sports than we can possible care for and plus it’s American sports and some guy from “hog town”.
    Beyond disgusting.

  37. Claus HenriksenSunday, November 8th, 2009 — 9:46am PST

    just another step toward oblivion,,, anything that has an educational, informative and mind opening element such as coast to coast or others, will eventually be removed from the airways sooner or later, BC is becoming a place where adults are treated like kids, to the point it is sickening…to all you that miss Noory, see you in cyberspace, and dont forget that you can download MP3 versions of the coast to coast program everyday, AND WITH NO INSULTING ADS.

  38. SusieMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 1:02am PST

    At last a place to vent! I’ve been a loyal 1410 listener for at least 10 years now and I was extremely upset to see it end. It’s always been a part of my commute day or night. I felt a little betrayed that it just vanished without a word. I will miss it dearly and will certainly not be listening to the crap that’s on there now!! Best of luck to all the wonderful hosts that entertained us daily at home and in the car. I won’t be listening to CHUMP radio any more.

  39. BooHooMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 10:34am PST

    A week late on the comment but hey…this really does stink. I got into my car this morning and was hoping this was all a bad dream. Damn.
    Where did they go? How are we ever going to get a laugh from radio anymore?
    Bye Bye friends…hope you all come back one day.

  40. Nancy CurryMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 12:36pm PST

    I feel terrible for the dynamic cfun 1410 hosts, but because of their calibre I believe they will find infinitely more satisfying stations on which to be heard. After what the cfun executives have so callously done, without consultation of show hosts or their devoted listeners, the terrific show hosts will each certainly find better management. As for Team 1410…good for you and your handful (at most) of awaiting listeners. Needless to say I shall not be one, and predict that the demise of the station is just around the corner.

  41. Nancy NaylorMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 1:11pm PST

    I honestly thought there was something wrong with my radio last week. I have enjoyed listenening to 1410 to and from work for a very long time. Many times it has made me laugh when I felt like crying and has enlightened me when I thought I knew it all. Does Vancouver really need another meathead sports station – how many do we need. Go home Jim Rome – I will not be listening anymore. Hopefully some other station can pick up 1410 – and I’ll be listening for that. All the best of luck to all the staff that lost their jobs. Take care eh!

  42. ConstanceMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 4:01pm PST


  43. LoriMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 5:46pm PST

    I too am sad about the loss, although I must admit that the station has been going down the tubes for some time. (in particular when they fired a bunch of wonderful hosts out of the blue this summer)

    Through thick and thin I managed to listen daily (schedule permitting) for over a decade. Even enjoying Coast to Coast. I now pay for streamlink so I can still listen to that, (my nightly entertainment fix) but what I would really love, is to have my favourite local radio/hosts back. Patrick, Kate, Val, and Nikki are definitely my favourites. (although ALL did a wonderful job in my opinion) I even loved Pia way back, and Shannon Nelson. I’m not picky, just miss some local familiar voices filling me in on what’s happenin’ in our city, and community.

    Well, CHUM sure sucks the big one! Glad Dr.Laura is dust, but sad about the rest of them. I even miss listening to some of the regular callers. (i felt that some of them should have had their own show as well! haha) Cecillia for one!

    Please keep us informed Miss 604! We are all missing our shows like crazy! 😀

  44. LoriMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 5:50pm PST

    I too am sad about the loss, although I must admit that the station has been going down the tubes for some time. (in particular when they fired a bunch of wonderful hosts out of the blue this summer)

    Through thick and thin I managed to listen daily (schedule permitting) for over a decade. Even enjoying Coast to Coast. I now pay for streamlink so I can still listen to that, (my nightly entertainment fix) but what I would really love, is to have my favourite local radio/hosts back. Patrick, Kate, Val, and Nikki are definitely my favourites. (although ALL did a wonderful job in my opinion) I even loved Pia way back, and Shannon Nelson. I’m not picky, just miss some local familiar voices filling me in on what’s happenin’ in our city, and community.

    Well, CHUM sure sucks the big one! (Glad Dr.Laura is dust, but sad about the rest of them.) I even miss listening to some of the regular callers. (i felt that some of them should have had their own show as well! haha) Cecillia for one!!!

    Please keep us informed Miss 604! We are all missing our shows like crazy! 😀

  45. WendyMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 7:39pm PST

    This is wrong, just wrong. I was a loyal listener when Val and Nikki were together, and even when they got new partners. The firing of Jennifer Thompson was the start of the station’s demise. NEVER NEVER NEVER will I listen again! Thanks for the memories. I really hope those fired were well treated and had a good severance package. Now I wonder why I filled out all those surveys…………you can be sure management didn’t read them!

  46. GrantMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 8:52pm PST

    I appreciate all the comments and have to say how completely devastated I am at this loss. Its like a death to me as I work from home and really had these hosts as a part of my life. Obviously this must have been a business decision based on profit, but sometimes you have to throw profit out the window and really appeal to the listeners to engage advertisers and help in the survival as I am sure we would all have done. Good bye old friend!

  47. DianneMonday, November 9th, 2009 — 11:47pm PST

    Seems like the rug has been pulled from under a community of listeners. I too am mourning the loss of a few minutes of joy and lightness that these fun hosts offered to the day. I was in awe of how fast Jen could talk, loved the bantering, and smiled often at assertive expression of diverse and sometimes silly opinions.
    Quite different from the drone tone that has taken over. Some “welcome” letter the “team” posted on the 1410 website – like us or leave us. Sports are the rich kid on the block and they have the power!

  48. shirley gTuesday, November 10th, 2009 — 9:55am PST

    I have been listening since Nic @ Nic in the mid ninties, and have always thought there was something wrong with the management, the way the hosts would come and go.Just get used to one lineup and they would pull the rug out. This is truly depressing, and I wish all the forner staff the very best. Wonder if “stuey” has noticed that this is not going over to well.

  49. AuroraTuesday, November 10th, 2009 — 7:57pm PST

    I also have been tuned in to 1410 since Nic & Nic in the nineties. To management – Did we as faithful listeners not call in enough? What constitutes a successful radio station? I was never polled although I did answer your surveys and was very annoyed when you kept changing line-ups, hosts and schedules. I heard all the advertisements and supported those businesses when I could. Being on Vancouver Island creates some limitations… You now have absolutely nothing to offer me. To the hosts – thank you all so much for the laughs, for days of enlightenment and for letting us share in your lives. We were listening!

  50. george swayTuesday, November 10th, 2009 — 9:51pm PST

    My favorite since 2002 was George Noory C2C, but all programs were outstanding. I am gonna miss the highly talented local staff and Coast to Coast AM. It is a heavy loss for our Vancouver Local Cultural diversity….I wonder if is related to the Winter Olimpics…Sad!
    To all CFUN staff, producers and sponsors: YOU HAVR BEEN GREAT!
    George (Gastown)

  51. blairWednesday, November 11th, 2009 — 11:37pm PST

    I’m sure it something to do with the big ‘O’ (2010). I wouldn’t think so if it wasnt’ for what they replaced it with-US SPORTS?? Such an insult to ALL! I thought I woke up to another planet when I couldn’t tune in to my regular talk radio hosts. What a kick in the keester. Whoever is responsible for this I hope their is karma in it for you. And in the words of Willy Wonka: GOOD DAY, SIR!!!!!!!

  52. UmpaThursday, November 12th, 2009 — 8:50pm PST

    I guess that they won’t be boutiquing at Audilla and spending money on expensive lattes. Some of the folks on the talkshow were great, but it sounded like they had money to throw around in this recession like going to beautymark etc. I am glad if they too are now able to feel the reality of what the recession is, and join the club of being frugal. The entire time, I have been eating free food at various Sikh Temples living on very few hours that they give me. I have no money to go splurging on this and that, and many of us in Vancouver don’t either.

  53. Guy DagenaisThursday, November 12th, 2009 — 9:00pm PST

    Still cannot express how choked I am over Talk 1410’s demise. The format change in the summer was as management said, a result of surveys that the listeners wanted more current info, blah.. blah..- so 3 months later we get another sports station!!!!!!! Gee, I guess the surveys were wrong. Did we do new surveys? This station had a loyal base of fans for many years mostly female probably, but I really enjoyed it as well – Jenn and Joe, Patrick and Val, and even Nikki and Mark. It was great. And now without warning, we wake up to Jim Rome and others with the sudden addition of a second sports Station when MOJO 730 had already been unceremoniously canned with the comment by Corus that the market would not support 2 sports stations in Vancouver, so now we can??

    This is Canada, not the USA. most of us don’t give a fat #@$%^ about March madness, Horse racing, College football. What we need is more commentary about what is going on in the country and the world. Giant 980- well between sports, weather, traffic and never ending ads, you get about 10 to 12 minutes of programming every half hour- what a waste of time since the interviewers are simply too friendly to their guests except for Mike Smythe who did take on Mike Levy on the HST debate the way Bill Good never would of or could have. I think Levy was ready to hit Smythe with a bat if he could have.

    So now what lies in store for my daily commutes? Sinatra on 650, CBC with whatever weird thing they are doing, 730am traffic reports, 1040 sports, 1130 news…. how depressing. I have listened to all the Classic rock I can stand, too old for Rap and Bee Bop or whatever. Happily my commutes are short.

  54. JoJoFriday, November 13th, 2009 — 7:22am PST

    What these pinheads at the ‘Team 1410’ don’t seem to realize, is that station won’t be around come this time next year. Vancouver is NOT the market for this type of programming, and considering that 1410 has consistently, year after year, come in DEAD LAST in the ratings, this programming change is not only laughable, but idiotic.

    I can’t wait to see when the so-called management are handed their walking papers and will honestly enjoy watching the demise of this station. I have no doubt that all the talented on air talent these a-holes fired (like Jenn, Nikki, Patrick, Val, etc). will turn up on much more successful stations. 1410 has made a huge mistake, and will never recover from this.

  55. KellyFriday, November 20th, 2009 — 12:32pm PST

    Stupid move team 1410-sports ad nauseum

    For 14 years I listened nightly to coast to coast (LITERALLY!!!) and woke up to the morning show. CFUN’s management never seemed to believe in the radio station and instead of improving listnership using keen marketing strategies-seemed to underestimate its audience and make wreckless, pointless. personality changes while not improving their advertising department. It could have been more HIP.

    Anyway, CFUN was the only station programmed at home and I liked it alot!!!

    I miss Coast to Coast am and now that my guilty pleasure is gone-my sleep sucks!

  56. HelenSunday, November 22nd, 2009 — 3:59pm PST

    It looks like Coast to Coast will be carried by CKNW. They have had it on at 1:00 am for the past couple of nights so hopefully that will be the new regular time slot for CTC.
    Has anyone out there any knowledge of how the former hosts on 1410 are doing? Have any of them found a “new home”?
    I hope so.

  57. JoJoMonday, November 23rd, 2009 — 6:44am PST

    I don’t know if any of them have found homes at other stations (Joe Leary was the only one who kept his job at 1410), but I do know that there’s a funraiser for Jenn Thompson at Darby’s Pub in Kits tomorrow @ 8:000pm….I wish CKNW had Coast to Coast on earlier…I used to listen to it too before I went to sleep, but I’m already asleep by 1:00am, so I guess I won’t be hearing it anymore…sucks….

  58. mindsettMonday, November 23rd, 2009 — 11:14pm PST

    What the owners of this radio station don’t appreciate is that while small in number talk 1410’s listeners are more affluent and therefore very attractive to advertisers. I also don’t understand how a station is able to build a growing audience when they are constantly making program/host/format changes. This new format will die along with the rest of them…

  59. AnnieTuesday, November 24th, 2009 — 9:11am PST

    Where can I find information on where any of these people will be on air. I have zero interest in listening to a ‘nothing but sports’ station. CFUN’s talk radio is the the ONLY radio I listened to and have since it’s beginning.

    SO disappointed it’s gone.

  60. LisaTuesday, November 24th, 2009 — 9:36am PST

    I miss Nic! I have been listening for over 10 years it feels like I have lost a close friend. I keep checking back to 1410 to see if it is real. 1410 was making way too many changes in hosts lately it was hard to keep track of everyone. I had to say that Dave Brindle was awful sometimes I just couldn’t hack his arrogant sarcasm and Patrick sounded like he needed meds or had too much meds. We needed the light hearted fun of Nic and val or Jenn and Joe. Does anyone know if Nic has a website where we can tell her how much she is missed.

  61. JoJoWednesday, November 25th, 2009 — 7:27am PST

    I’m pretty sure Val has a facebook page. It’s more than obvious that the so-called ‘management’ of 1410 don’t give a flying rat’s behind about their listening audience. I’m looking forward to watching their demise.

  62. LoxyMonday, November 30th, 2009 — 8:56am PST

    As someone who works in the industry, it sucks to see radio stations die. But regardless of how loyal listeners are, it comes down to ratings because that draws advertisers and in a year where all stations are barely breaking even, unless you are a top station or being held up by others in a cluster…

    Cuts will happen. Some bigger than others.

  63. LoxyMonday, December 7th, 2009 — 11:26pm PST

    Interesting fact.. The day after I posted this comment, my station lost its news director and several people in sales.

    That’s the other thing to remember, there are far more people behind the scenes than there are on the air. Personalities can find other jobs if they are known.

  64. luckyTuesday, December 8th, 2009 — 4:56pm PST

    Can someone please tell me what Joe Leary knows about sports? What a freaking joke….

  65. JoJoFriday, December 11th, 2009 — 12:27pm PST

    Honestly, I’m surprised the station is still on. I don’t know one single person who listens, even those who DO like sports shows (they listen to 1040). I hate to say it, but Joe doesn’t know squat about sports, and quite frankly, I think he’s only still there because he has no other options. I really don’t think any other station would hire him.

  66. LisaTuesday, December 15th, 2009 — 9:29am PST

    Quit picking on Joe would you say no if they offered you a job.
    Has this new station put a site where all us talk 1410 fans can voice our opinions on the changes they made?

  67. JoJoTuesday, December 15th, 2009 — 10:52am PST

    I’m not picking on Joe, I’m merely stating a fact. I’m friendly with several former 1410 on air hosts who were all fired and I’m afraid my dear Lisa, that is THEIR opinion. I don’t know Joe personally, I’m merely communicating what HIS former co-workers have expressed. I’m sure you can e-mail the station directly to voice your opinion. And by the way, YES, I would turn down a job from an employer who without any notice or regard FIRED 19 of my co-workers in less than 10 minutes. I’m not that desperate for a job.

  68. LisaTuesday, December 15th, 2009 — 11:52am PST

    Sorry JoJo didn’t mean any offense. Thanks to Miss 604 for an outlet to talk about what happened at 1410 I don’t get the change at all and I am sure their sponsors must have been pretty unhappy with the change. Yes you are right can email the new 1410.

  69. No CHUM of mine.Friday, January 1st, 2010 — 9:21pm PST


    Talk 1410 was a resource, an asset to the city, sports is a waste of time, another sports station is a waste of airspace!

    I hope another station has the intelligence to see the void and fill it. There is some great on-air talent up for grabs and no-one is carrying the hugely popular Coast to Coast AM show right now… ready made audience…

    Some say that everyone who is angry at CHUM should make it their business to boycott and harass CHUM and any business which advertises with CHUM, you know, signing them up for spam, pranking their call in lines, targeting them with computer viruses etc, but that would be wrong, so don’t do it!

  70. GladysSaturday, January 2nd, 2010 — 8:31pm PST

    I really miss CFun. I, too wish someone would grab the talent from CFun and continue all the shows I was addicted to. Sports stations stink!! 980 is OK, but not nearly as good.

  71. Carol-AnnWednesday, January 6th, 2010 — 12:55pm PST

    Like the majority of you, I too miss the hosts and their shows very much. My days and nights are just not the same and the silence is eerie. I won’t switch to another station as they just don’t have the personalties that made 1410 so interesting and fun to listen to. I really hope they all find better jobs. My thoughts are often with Nicki going through her Dad’s illness and also with Simi who lost the morning TV job and now this! I really hope some one out there with the $ will pick up these talented people and present us former faithful listeners with an alternative station to support. Not only did I support 1410 by being part of the audience but I did support their sponsors, like Citrus O and several of their clothing stores over the years. Good luck and thank you to all the hosts and their producers over the years. You are appreciated and you are missed.

  72. shortansassyThursday, January 7th, 2010 — 11:50am PST

    I’m at work, listening to a podcast of Dr. Joy Browne, whom I like but it’s just not Patrick Maliha, or Art Factora, Val Cole, or yes even, Nikki. (lol) I miss them all so much! I, like all the other faithful listeners of talk 1410 am still in shock that they are gone (BUT NOT FORGOTTEN) ! The Hosts, the Guests, the fun made me laugh everyday. There was a real niche in the market for this type of show and maybe one day one of these local stations will figure that out and can bring back the local celebrities to make me laugh again.

  73. macacerTuesday, January 12th, 2010 — 12:02pm PST





  74. LisaMonday, January 18th, 2010 — 9:17pm PST

    I just got back to Canada and could not believe my 1410 has been ruined. While I think Nik was a bit of an idiot, she was funny and her stupidity was amusing.Vale Cole was sort of her straight man and they worked out well as a group as long as Nik stayed on her meds. I did get sick of them always firing hosts after a few months, just when you would be getting used to them and I did like the station better when it was all women presenters. Shannon Nelson was awesome…smart…funny…real and interesting. I like Dr.Laura in small does and Joy Brown was pretty good too…all in all, I will never be so bored as to sit listening to a play by play of sorts and don’t want to hear Joe Leary yipping high fives over sports he knows nothing off. He’s more suited to light, mindless gossip…he’s too femme for sports.

    As for the hosts, I don’t feel sorry for them losing their jobs anymore than anyone else. Cut the drama…a fundraiser for these over paid lips? I mean come on….maybe they need to do a HARD job….then I would feel bad for them. I bet Nik was earming at least 6-8 grand a month and half the time she was working from home in her PJ’s which is a cushy job. She’s a shopoholic too so this will fix her. *lol* No more Prada.


  75. lonnie hThursday, January 28th, 2010 — 2:21pm PST

    It has been a couple of months since 1410 went off the air—I miss it sooo much — I feel like I have lost a friend or two-the new format was terrible but I always listened to Nikki (loved Nikki & Val together) & Jen and Joe were THE BEST!!! Now, I only have CKNW which is way too political for me and the new 1410 STINKS!! Just what we DON’T need is another sports station!!!

  76. MichelleMonday, August 23rd, 2010 — 4:08pm PDT

    Are you serious!!! What a bunch of junk on 1410 now. Like I want to listen to a bunch of ding-dong amercans talk about baseball and football. Waste of time. The Nik and Val show, followed by Dr. Laura was so wonderful to listen to everyday. I work on the road, so I loved listening to the talk shows while driving. And then in the evening Dr. Joy Brown. Even when they split up Nikki and Valerie… that was a dissapointing day. I think they should bring it all back. Nik and Val together and Dr. Laura and Dr. Joy Brown, and the morning guys.
    Get rid of that TEAM 1410 and go back to CFUN!!!

    Mirrener, you know its a sports talk show, not just because they sound so stupid, but also because its dead silence…… boring!!!

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