Blogathon Vancouver 2009 – What You Need to Know

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Blogathon is officially up, running, and accepting donations. Here is some background information about this global charity event.

Since 2000, Blogathon has happened once a year and for 2009 it’s July 25th from 6:00am until July 26th at 6:00am. I first heard about Blogathon in 2006 from Barbara and Alanah. I followed their 24-hour campaigns, pledged, and then participated in 2007. The idea is for participating bloggers to publish posts every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. Along the way they are encouraged to collect pledges (using the pledge system) in order to raise funds for the non-profit of their choice.

In 2008 the Blogathon site was on hiatus so in its spirit I created Blogathon Vancouver. I hosted a wiki, a site, promoted the bloggers, and also ran my own campaign. I was joined by 11 local bloggers, such as Duane and Raul that I met up with during the campaign, and together (for each of our causes) we raised over $10,000 in a single 24-hour period.

For 2009, the official Blogathon website is back up and running (thanks to a small army of wonderfully dedicated volunteers). I’m happy that I could expand this event in Vancouver and that people like Duane have moved it out in to the Fraser Valley and beyond. I’m thankful for all of the support the event has received so far, and that I could get Kontent Creative to make some special website badges and banners.

I was hoping to promote and support the other area bloggers again this year but despite my best efforts, there are so many that are taking the ball and running that I’m not sure I will be able to do this. This is certainly a good thing since I love seeing bloggers using their sites and publishing powers for a good cause. Feel free to head over to the Blogathon website to view a complete list of participants from around the globe.

As for my personal campaign, you can be assured that come July 25th I’ll have 24 hours of fun, entertaining, and informative content pouring out on I will also have some great prizes to give away during that time including something for whomever makes the highest personal donation to my campaign. I will also be hosting a 24-hour tweetup at Workspace during the Blogathon so that any participants can use it as a home base and we can get some visitors in to keep things exciting.

My cause once again this year is the Union Gospel Mission located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to help make a difference by supporting their work.

10 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulFriday, July 10th, 2009 — 10:20am PDT


    You already have done a lot in promoting the local bloggers for Blogathon and in helping set up the WorkSpace for the 24 hours. You make me proud every single day.

    Much love and hugs.

  2. Blogathon Vancouver 2009 | Kontent Creative Group Inc.Friday, July 10th, 2009 — 11:46am PDT

    […] Blogathon Vancouver is a 24 blogging event that happens once a year.  This year, Blogathon is being held on July 25th from 6am until 6pm on July 26th at Workspace in Gastown. Last year in Vancouver, 11 local bloggers raised over $10,000 for their various causes. Miss604 describes the history of Blogathon on her blog. […]

  3. What’s New! | kontentcreative.comMonday, July 13th, 2009 — 10:39am PDT

    […] Blogathon Vancouver is a 24 blogging event that happens once a year.  This year, Blogathon is being held on July 25th from 6am until 6pm on July 26th at Workspace in Gastown. Last year in Vancouver, 11 local bloggers raised over $10,000 for their various causes. Miss604 describes the history of Blogathon on her blog. […]

  4. Mike VardyMonday, July 13th, 2009 — 11:41am PDT

    Wish I could do it, but a wedding is scheduled for that day. Not mine, but one I must attend.

    I’ll partake in one of these…eventually! good luck!

  5. AHA MEDIAMonday, July 13th, 2009 — 3:22pm PDT

    Looking forward to this event!! 🙂 Thanks for organizing this

    My charity to blog for Community Radio Education Society is for Co-op Radio 102.7 FM in the Vancouver – Broadcasting from the heart of the Downtown Eastside 🙂

    Co-op Radio is a voice for the voiceless that strives to a provide space for under-represented and marginalized communities.

    I shall be happy to be a media sponsor of our entire event at Workspace in Gastown

  6. Using New Media To Make A Difference | Out-Smarts Social Media MarketingMonday, July 20th, 2009 — 11:47am PDT

    […] the goal of raising awareness and donations for a specified cause.  This weekend local blogger Miss604 will be hosting Blogathon Vancouver the local Blogathon contingent along with other prominent local bloggers like […]

  7. Blogathon for Federation of BC Writers « raincoasterThursday, July 23rd, 2009 — 2:45am PDT

    […] if I can catch a ride to and fro; forty minutes on the bus each way is a killer. On the other hand, Miss 604 is judging a bartending contest in the middle of everything, so if she can do that, perhaps I can […]

  8. Blogathon Vancouver 2009: Blog for a CauseFriday, July 24th, 2009 — 2:25pm PDT

    […] created Blogathon Vancouver in 2008 and with 11 bloggers supporting the campaign she was able to raise over $10,000 in one day. What a […]

  9. Welcome To Blogathon 2009! | Not To Be Trusted With KnivesSaturday, July 25th, 2009 — 6:03am PDT

    […] Rebecca has put together a list of all the Vancouver bloggers crazy enough to do this here.  She’s […]

  10. Neil ParkerSaturday, July 25th, 2009 — 7:07am PDT

    Thank you so much for organizing, Rebecca! I am delighted to be here 🙂

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