Blogathon 2009 – Workspace

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Post #3 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.

Blogathon Vancouver participants at Workspace (6am)

Just a quick plug for our location today, which is Workspace in Gastown.

“WorkSpace is a shared work environment in downtown Vancouver. Our Gastown loft has meeting rooms, a lounge & a café surrounding a beautiful open concept work environment. We provide memberships (not leases) to independent professionals and small firms looking for a better place to work.”

I attended my first social media unconference at Workspace in 2006 and I’ve been a fan of the venue ever since.

It’s the perfect venue for Blogathon Vancouver as it provides an open shared work environment but also small offices in which participants can find some peace and quiet (although everyone is so focused right now you could hear a pin drop).

I’m looking forward to seeing how everything goes today, and through the night, but now that I know how to work the self-serve coffee maker, I think I’ll be just fine.

Post #3 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. MehnazSaturday, July 25th, 2009 — 7:18am PDT

    I’m a little jealous I can’t be there to see the beautiful sunrise. I’m out in the ‘burbs, so to speak. I hope you guys are having fun 🙂

  2. BruceSaturday, July 25th, 2009 — 7:47am PDT

    The Workspace looks great, and while I couldn’t make it in person today, I’m with you in spirit!

    I think the rest of the Tiny Bites team is going to continue the blogathon at Workspace this afternoon and bring along some treats.

    And yes, I like to make promises on Karen’s behalf *grin*

  3. isabella moriSaturday, July 25th, 2009 — 7:50am PDT

    i LOVE workspace! great to be sitting here with you guys, just hanging out. let me know if i can do something for you!

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