Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Live From the Calgary Airport

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Pics taken with the phone on our walk todaySometimes I feel really overwhelmed with blogging as it’s not only my hobby and passion, it’s also my career. Aside from that, it revolves around my daily life which can be sporadically busy, chaotic, and emotional. I’m sitting here at the Calgary Airport and yes, I have cheated with Blogathon a little bit, I have pre-set blog posts about the participants. You’ll hear about the rest of them while I am 39,000 feet in the air flying over Rutland or Keremeos.

To say that this week has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. I lost a friend, and friends lost a brother, father and son. It has been moving journey out to Calgary to see old faces and celebrate the life of someone truly inspiring. Throughout all of this, I tried to put together Blogathon so that we could all give back to great causes and give a little bit of ourselves for someone else. I can’t even begin to fathom how the family feels at this time given that I myself am feeling terribly rundown on my own and although I continue to shed many tears, my loss was in no way as great as theirs.

I try to give a lot of myself to others only because I was first shown love, compassion, selflessness and kindness from so many people. Flying across the province, writing notes, sending texts, making calls and composing blog posts are just tiny ways that I can repay all those that have blessed my life.

I’m not sure how long I’ll last for Blogathon but I’ll try to persevere. My cause is the Union Gospel Mission in the downtown eastside that helps out those who cannot help themselves. Their values and compassion inspire me everyday to want to help others so it is my pleasure to give part of myself to help them this weekend.

… and in the words of my friend Tanya last night – if you love someone you should tell them that every chance you get.

Blogathon Post #6 – Read all Blogathon Posts

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulSaturday, July 26th, 2008 — 1:38pm PDT

    You do a lot of good in this world, Rebecca. Therefore, the only thing you deserve is good things. Many hugs and have a safe flight home.

  2. Jeff PulverSaturday, July 26th, 2008 — 1:38pm PDT

    I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.

    You truly are a social media Angel. Your energy and drive and vision is having a positive effect on many people. Just seeing everyone else participate in Blogathon 2008 is truly great.

    Just wait for others to follow and get their friends to work together to blog for charity. You have set something in motion which will pay rewards for many others in the future. Great work. Great drive. And great vision. 🙂

  3. Duane StoreySaturday, July 26th, 2008 — 1:43pm PDT

    Great post! As Jeff said, you have inspired many people, and that’s something you should be extremely proud of. Part of having friends is having people around you to catch you when you’re fall or to be there for you when things are bleakest, so try to keep your chin up because we’re all here for you.

  4. Barbara DodukSaturday, July 26th, 2008 — 1:43pm PDT

    Rebecca, my heartfelt sympathies to you and your friends, death is the hardest on those left behind. BUT I have to say, even though I have never met you (yet) you are (to me) one of the women I truly honestly look up to, and fully admire. You have a tremendous drive and lust for life, and your strength of character shines brightly through all that you accomplish. You are a role model and your heart of gold will carry you through all the waves on the rocking ocean of life. Just keep that amazing smile blazing and you’ll do anything you put you mind set to.

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