Unplugging, Birthdays, and the Stranger Photography Exhibit Opens Tonight

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

What’s going on tonight? A lot actually but my husband and I will be taking a night off and having some time to ourselves. The dishes have piled up, and there are projects that need some attention but we haven’t been able to have any actual down time together in a while. However, if it weren’t Bollwitt Night, there are some other things going on around town worth noting:

First, Happy Birthday to Alexa who is a Guitar Hero master personified and design guru over at Strutta. She’s celebrating with some of the usual suspects so I fully expect documentation of the fun times and debauchery to show up on Jaiku or Flickr tomorrow morning.

Second, tomorrow is Dingo’s birthday. She’s such a kind person with so much wisdom and spirit. I’m really glad to have been able to get to know her at unconferences and through the blogosphere in the last few years.

Last but not least, John Goldsmith (aka waxypoetic on Flickr) is celebrating opening night of a photography exhibit in Chinatown.

Photo credit: WAXY on Flickr © Waxy Photography

STRANGER: A photography exhibit of strangers and unfamiliar landscapes. The work is a diverse mix of the abstract, the dreamlike, and the street.

Photographers: John Goldsmith, Marc L’Esperance and Lung Liu

Dates: Opening Night: Friday April 11, 2008, 6:30-8:30pm
Exhibit: April 10 – April 26, 2008
Restaurant Hours: Thursday – Saturday, 6-10pm

Radha Gallery | 728 Main Street Vancouver

Opening night features a live acoustic jazz duet by Shannon Thue and Joel Kerr. Food & drinks are available for purchase. [Facebook event] [Website]

John’s works are pretty amazing and capture a candid side of Vancouver few others can pull off. You can preview the show here, swing by tonight, or anytime before April 26th.

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2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulFriday, April 11th, 2008 — 3:36pm PDT

    Bollwitt Date Night rules 😉 Would “FTW” also apply too? 😀

  2. Alexa BoothSaturday, April 12th, 2008 — 1:29pm PDT

    It was a great night 🙂 Lots of folks came out, and there was much with the drunken guitarheroing and rockbanding 🙂 Best Birfday evar

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