New Liveblogging Tool I'll Use at DemoCampVancouver05

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve done my fair share of liveblogging over the past few years, and I’ve even written a brief “How to Live Blog” entry. Many people have offered tips and tricks to help the process go smoothly and I think I’ve pretty much got my method down to a science.

However, this morning Tod sent me a link to Cover it Live – an embeddable little piece of ajax-powered code that allows you to publish in real time, with every tap of the return key. Viewers can also chime in, making it that much more live and interactive.


I’m always pretty skeptical when it comes to new technologies and tools (it took me long enough to let John even move me to WordPress in 2006), but I think I’m going to give this a whirl.

My next chance to do a live blog will be this Thursday, at DemoCampVancouver05. I’ve covered several DemoCamps before so we’ll see how this compares. Tune in then to participate and do the test drive with me.

2 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. RaulMonday, February 4th, 2008 — 11:59am PST

    I wish I had had this tool last week at VBM!

  2. Tris HusseyMonday, February 4th, 2008 — 6:34pm PST

    You should like it. I was a skeptic too, but I used it for DEMO last week and was very, very pleased. When you’re done you can paste the final post code into your blog for SEO, etc.

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