A Series of Tubes

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Miss604.com will be going through some changes over the next little while.

No, not those kinds of changes – and you probably won’t even notice a thing.

We’re trying to keep up to date with the growth the site has seen in the last little while and as a result some upgrades will need to be made. I know mid-week is an undesirable time in which to perform such maintenance but I have no other choice. Please bear with me as the site may flutter in and out of consciousness for the next day or so but I assure you once everything’s back up and better than ever it will be worth the wait.

Also, a new Miss604 contest will also be announced and you’ll have to do practically nothing to be entered (not like the cartwheels, belly circles and head taps that I requested last time).

So please, stay tuned, bear with us, and thanks so much for reading, you guys are great!

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Duane StoreyWednesday, February 6th, 2008 — 8:04pm PST

    Hot! Now drink up.

Also on Miss604.com