I know, I completely skipped over Day One so here’s a quick rundown.
Leaving our house and driving down Robson during the wee hours of Saturday morning I hit a bump in the road – apparently I decapitated a pigeon that was slow to move out of my way. Luckily the rest of the trip went pretty smooth aside from a few more bumps in the road. And by that I mean the following bullet point, not more maiming of fowl.
Our luggage decided to not to make the connection we did in Chicago, however according to a phone call from American Airlines this morning it didn’t even want to make it to Chicago in the first place. It turns out that from Seattle it wanted to go to Dallas.
We arrived in Des Moines, Iowa last night and proceeded to rent a car for our 3 hour road trip. We had been on the go since 4am in Vancouver and it was currently 9pm local time.
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We turned on the radio in the car and every station we turned to played Canadian music non-stop. Avril Lavigne, Nickelback, Three Days Grace, Fiest, Finger 11 and Danko Jones

Along the interstate I saw signs for John Wayne’s Birthplace, the Bridges of Madison County Iowa, and plenty of Kum ‘n’ Go.
At Taco Bell, they make a point of informing you that their lemonade does not contain caffeine. Also, combo meals don’t come with a side of fries or mexi-fries/tater-tots… they come with a bonus taco.

We rolled into Kansas City, Missouri just after midnight and crashed at John’s Aunt’s lovely home, where we will be for the next two days
Today I’m going to Kansas. That’s right – not just Kansas City, Missouri but the state of Kansas because apparently it’s just down the street from Grandma’s house. We’re about to head out for a mini-tour of the area so I’ll have more updates to post later including the arrival of our lost luggage, which is supposed to turn up some time this afternoon.
In the meantime my buddy Duane is the sh*t.
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Sorry but we Canadians can’t claim KT Tunstall….she’s Scottish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KT_Tunstall)
Enjoy your trip! I am going to Mexico for a month in a couple of weeks, so the blog may also take a vacation 😉
[…] The jaunt that it took to get us to the Midwest has been a tad torturous. Bellingham to Seattle to Chicago to Des Moines, and from there we snagged a car to take us to Kansas City. This is the first leg of the tour that will take me to see my grandma for the first time in a while, a few months more than the amount of time I’ve last been to my home state. […]