Beach Volleyball in Vancouver

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Here in the “Great White North” many out-of-towners might expect hockey, ice skating, and skiing to be our primary sports. However, throughout our gloriously warm summer days (and adequately warm spring and fall afternoons) Vancouverites take to the sea shore to bump, set, and spike playing beach volleyball.

Beach Volleyball in Vancouver

Sundown Volleyball

On Vancouver’s public beaches, you can book court times between Victoria Day in May to Labour Day in September, 11:30am to 8:30pm. Locations include: English Bay; Jericho Beach; Kitsilano Beach; Locarno Beach; Shaughnessy St (by the Fraser River); Spanish Banks East; Spanish Banks West; and Sunset Beach.

If you would like to be social and join a team or league, there are several resources:

6Pack Indoor Beach also offers weekly specials and clinics. There’s Hump Day Bump drop-in every Wednesday, and Ladies Nights on Thursdays.

Follow the Vancouver Park Board for public play information and Volleyball BC for sport-specific event information and news.

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