Archive Photos of the Day: Vancouver Snow Photos

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Lower Mainland received a healthy dose of snowman-worthy snow over the last few days and although much didn’t stick downtown, I found evidence in the Vancouver Archives that such wasn’t always the case. Downtown Vancouver has definitely seen its share of snow days over the last century:

Vancouver Snow Photos

1937: Courthouse (now Vancouver Art Gallery) lion in the snow. Photographer: James Crookall. Archives# CVA 260-787.

1916: Courthouse (now Vancouver Art Gallery) covered in snow. Archives# CVA 371-1119.

1914-1916 Seymour and Richards Str P94 & Snow in alley. Archives# CVA 789-85.

Georgia and Burrard in the snow. Photographer: James Crookall. Archives# CVA 260-786.

1937: Hastings Street in the snow. Photographer: James Crookall. Archives# CVA 260-788.

1936: Granville at Pender. Archives# CVA 677-276.1 & 555 Howe Street. Archives# CVA 1376-407.

1930s: Stanley Park Pavilion in the snow. Photographer: Walter E. Frost. Archives# CVA 447-242.

1916 Hastings Street. Archives# CVA 789-77 & CVA 789-75.

1918: CN Railway station. Archives# Bu N540.085

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