Pokémon Go has made it to Canada (officially) this week as the interactive Nintendo game that merges the digital space with real locations takes the world by storm. If you’re new to the game, want to hunt for Pokémon or do some training, Best Buy is hosting a Pokémon Go Party in Vancouver. Best Buy […]
Early Music Vancouver presents its first ever Vancouver Bach Festival, taking place in the heart of the city at the Christ Church Cathedral this August 2nd to 12th, 2016. The festival offers local enthusiasts a veritable ‘Best of’ collection of the German composer’s masterworks, from exquisite chamber music to monumental orchestral undertakings. This is also […]
Canadians frantically scooped up tickets to The Tragically Hip‘s summer tour in the last two months, which many fear will be their last after the band announced May 24th that their lead singer Gord Downie was suffering from terminal brain cancer. From Victoria to Kingston, they’ll be on the road starting July 22nd and their […]
Celebrate Coquitlam 125 on July 23rd and 24th at Kaleidoscope, a free family festival at Town Centre Park. Enjoy musical performances from Yukon Blonde, Jim Byrnes, Odds, The Boom Booms, Greg Drummond, comedy from Charles Demers and more! Kaleidoscope Where: Town Centre Park (1299 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam) When: Saturday, July 23, 2016 from 12:00pm to […]
The Honda Celebration of Light Fireworks are a summertime staple in Vancouver, where you can enjoy the spectacle of the longest running offshore fireworks competition in the world at twilight on the shores of English Bay — along with almost half a million others. This year, the YVR Observation Deck gives families a fun and […]