The South Granville ArtWalk returns for the 7th year, organized by the galleries of the South Granville Gallery Association (“SGGA”). Everyone is welcome to be part of this art-filled, interactive event on Vancouver’s original Gallery Row on June 16th.
Spend some quality time with the dad in your life on June 17th, enjoying some of these things to do on Father’s Day in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, from baseball to bacon, fishing to free family fun.
Suburbia Takes on Main Street at Book Warehouse Tuesday, June 12, 2018 with Vancouver-area authors Michelle Kim, Charlie Demers, and Sam Wiebe. Enjoy readings and conversations, and find out why these authors chose to write about life east of Boundary Road.
Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend: Friday, June 8, 2018; Saturday, June 9, 2018; Sunday, June 10, 2018 activities and events around Metro Vancouver & the Fraser Valley.
The Downtown Surrey BIA is celebrating 20 years of Surrey Fest Downtown! Music, food, children’s activities and more will be the feature of this family-friendly event at Holland Park on June 16th.