Archive of posts tagged "events"

Gingerbread Creations Competition & Marketplace 2010

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 2010 Gingerbread Creations Competition & Marketplace is coming up next week (November 12th and 13th) at the Vancouver Hellenic Centre. This annual event features over 70 boutiques offering unique, handmade items from local vendors as well as gingerbread creations (not limited to houses). Photo credit: Stuck in Customs on Flickr I’m fortunate enough to […]

November 2010 Vancouver Events

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Mini-chocolate bar displays from Halloween are being replaced with pyramids of ornaments as Christmas season rolls in. Fallen leaves, crisp from morning frost, crunch under foot as white puffs of breath trail behind you like steam from a locomotive. November is here. Photo credit: Chris Murray Photo on Flickr Better late than never, I have […]

Royal Canadian Mint on Granville

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Due to the overwhelming response to the Royal Canadian Mint‘s presence at the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, they have returned to Vancouver with a pop-up shop open from November 4th until February 13th, 2011. To promote the many events, coin exchanges, and displays that they will feature in the shop, the Mint is […]

Peak Performance Project Finale Showcase 2010

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The award-winning Peak Performance Project is wrapping up for another year after announcing its top 5 finalists earlier this week. Pared down from a group of 20 artists, who all performed at a weekly showcase in October, the top 3 finalists will take part in the finale showcase this month at the Commodore. Finalists Said […]

Support the Vancouver Archives, Preserve Our History

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Although Vancouver is young compared to most other North American cities, it has a heritage all of its own. From First Nations culture, to the Great Fire, and the 2010 Olympics, people have recorded, photographed, and preserved this legacy. One of the most important institutions for doing such work is the City of Vancouver Archives. […]