Abandoned for centuries, surveyed in 1984, and now open for exclusive tours with the Huu-ay-aht First Nations, the ancient capital village site of Kiixin is a remarkable place to behold. Located on the west coast of Vancouver Island near Bamfield you can visit it with Kiixin Tours.
Vancouver Heritage Foundation is opening character and heritage homes across Vancouver for the 16th annual Vancouver Heritage House Tour on June 3rd. This curated, self-guided tour includes a look inside 9 historic character homes from West Point Grey to Grandview.
I always love the opportunity to get out on the waters of the Salish Sea but on a bright October morning last year, I was particularly excited. My friend Laura and I were meeting up with San Juan Cruises at the Bellingham Alaska Ferry Terminal to board the Victoria Star, one of five vessels in the company’s fleet. We joined a group of other guests for a full day Deluxe Whale Watching Tour.
The Legends of Vancouver tour is based on sites mentioned in E. Pauline Johnson (Takehionwake)’s book Legends of Vancouver. The tour visits some of the sites of those legends, and examines places of sacred meaning to local First Nations.
Tour the Lower Mainland from Above with Sky Helicopters: John and I went on a scenic flight through the backcountry from Pitt Meadows, past Coquitlam Mountain, and beyond.