Archive of posts tagged "tour"

Heritage Vancouver Walking Tour & Beer Tasting

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Both Heritage Vancouver and the Vancouver Heritage Foundation host fascinating walking, neighbourhood, and housing tours around Vancouver. One upcoming event that caught my eye, aside from tomorrow night’s dinner in the Marine Building penthouse, is a walking tour with twist. Photo credit: davefisher99 on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool. Walking Tour & […]

Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

While at the BC Sports Hall of Fame I came across the inductee information for Trev Deeley (1920-2000), a name associated with the award-winning Harley-Davidson dealership. When I happened to drive by the Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition on Boundary Road not even 24 hours later I took it as a sign — this was a story […]

Taste Vancouver Food Tour Gastown

Comments 161 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Review — I was not paid to write this post (or any other). My food tour was compliments of the organizers. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

There are few things I enjoy more than being a tourist in my own hometown and when I’m offered the chance to experience the city like a visitor it’s rare that I’ll pass it up. Last week, I was invited to participate in the Taste Vancouver Food Tour’s Gastown Tour. Meeting up with ten others, […]

Vancouver Haunted Trolley Tours 2011: Discount & Giveaway

Comments 72 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Trolley Company and the Vancouver Police Museum have teamed up to present this year’s series of Haunted Halloween Trolley Tours. A tour guide will share spirited tales as you cross town to visit the Mountain View Cemetery graveyard, the autopsy room at the Vancouver Police Museum, and more mysterious locations during this 2.5 […]

Thanksgiving Activities 2011 Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Thanksgiving is one of my favourite holidays. Our family would gather at my Oma’s house and while the windows steamed up and the aroma of roasted turkey filled each room, we’d head outside to rake leaves. The ample limbs of the lone one oak tree across the street provided enough fuel for the giant leaf […]