Tonight marks the opening night of Ninja Pirates Theatre Society’s production of SubUrbia by Eric Bogosian, directed by Anthony Shim. The play follows the nighttime activities of a group of aimless 20-somethings still living suburban hometown and their reunion with a former-geeky-high-school classmate, who is now a successful musician. It’s semi-autobiographical take on Bogosian’s own […]
The 30th Annual Jessie Richardson Awards for theatre in Vancouver are upon us as stars of local stages flock to the Commodore Ballroom. Nominees were announced back in May and the season will culminate with awards presentations tonight. I will be covering the awards ceremony for the third year in a row, providing photos, quotes, […]
Theatre Under the Stars (“TUTS”) returns to Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park for its 66th season starting Saturday, July 8, 2012. This year’s two feature productions, that will run on alternating nights, are Titanic: A New Musical and The Music Man. Tickets are available starting at $29 and new this year, TUTS is offering Rain […]
Bard on the Beach opened last week with The Taming of the Shrew, which is probably my least favourite Shakespearean play, considering the misogynistic plot — Petruchio (John Murphy), who wants to marry for money, weds Kate (Lois Anderson), a wealthy and independent-minded “shrew”. After marrying her, Petruchio “tames” her by starving her, sleep depriving […]
The Arts Club Theatre Company is lacing up their rollerskates in their latest production of Xanadu. This upbeat disco-dancing musical is based on the 1980 Universal Pictures Film that was adapted from the book by Douglas Carter Beane (To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar; The Little Dog Who Laughed). Marlie Collins and Gaelan […]