This Sunday, November 11th, is Remembrance Day in Canada. Communities across the country are taking time to gather, reflect, and remember the sacrifices made by our soldiers in honour of this country which we all call home. The following events are all taking place on November 11th around Metro Vancouver and the information has been […]
Our world-famous Corn mazes (Maize Mazes) are shaping up as temperatures cool and the kids return to school. Summer isn’t over yet but this autumn harvest-themed activity is always a hit. Bose Family Corn Maze (Cloverdale/Surrey) Website Location: 64th Avenue and 156th Street, Surrey [Map] Dates: August 30, 2012 to October 21, 2012 Activities: Corn […]
This weekend I posted a photo on Twitter of a lake in Surrey (Green Timbers) and after several people asked me where it was located, I decided it was time to highlight some of Metro Vancouver’s lakes in a post. These urban watering holes provide recreation options for the whole family. There aren’t many suited […]
September 2012: Here are the 2012 listings. It was almost a decade ago that I heard the term “Maize Maze” and since that time, I’ve had the chance to explore one for myself at the Bose Family Farm. Little did I know that we actually have three corn mazes all within a manageable distance of […]