Photos from the 2017 Burnaby Village Museum Heritage Christmas, with vintage-themed displays, live entertainment, crafts, a scavenger hunt, delicious baked treats and more along with the heritage carousel.
A roundup of eerily beautiful Vancouver fog photos, from the tag #Fogcouver, the Miss604 Flickr Pool, and the #photos604 tag on Instagram.
Vancouver Photos of the Week: Fall Inspiration. Autumn-themed photo roundup for October 2017. Thank you for sharing your pics with the #Photos604 tag and Miss604 on Flickr
I have some work tools that I’ve used for over a decade; my trusty 21-inch upright roller-board suitcase that has been on 3 continents, my backup battery pack to keep my devices charged, and my old Nikon that has covered the Olympics, the Women’s World Cup, and followed me up mountains and across seas. It’s […]
A stroll in Steveston, boarding tall ships, and browsing the National Historic Site at Britannia Shipyards. Add in festival stages, food trucks, crafts, puppets, entertainers, dancers, and you have a really unique and exceptionally fun family festival! John and I stopped by the Richmond Maritime Festival earlier this month and he took some great shots […]