Today’s Archives Photo of the Day features two young Vancouver children and their “pet” bear cub. Description: Ken & Theresa Quiney with bear cub at 1820 Waterloo Street in Kitsilano, 1910 Photographer: James Luke Quiney Archives item#: CVA 7-29
The third annual Worldwide Photo Walk takes place July 24th and will see photographers of every level heading out and snapping photos as they stroll with a group. Photo credit: John Bollwitt in Flickr A photo walk is basically a walk around with your camera where you snap photos as you go. I’ve done photo […]
On a whim I’ve decided to start up a new series called, Archives Photo of the Day. I considered posting this to Twitter only until I realized that the links generated by my search queries end up expiring after a few minutes. With people heading on vacation (including us) next month I’m keen on posting […]
Empire Field (at Empire Fields with Empire Stadium around it) will host the BC Lions‘ home opener this Sunday. I’ll be heading over for a preview tomorrow and will also be at the game on Sunday however my camera-toting husband got a bit a a preview earlier this week. Although it’s temporary (aka TEmpire Stadium) […]
Our pal and local web and photography icon Kris is currently down in the Gulf of Mexico snapping photos of the oil spill effects before heading to Washington, DC for TEDxOilSpill later this month. On Twitter June 14th: Looks like we’re headed to Biloxi Mississippi bright & early to photograph a 3-State Rally for Vietnamese […]