Archive of posts tagged "photography"

Archive Photos of the Day: Biplanes

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver is spectacular from almost any angle but I really love getting above it all when I’m taking a seaplane flight, helicopter ride, or am fortunate to do a ride-along with a traffic plane. There’s quite a bit of aviation history here in BC, as you can find in the Canadian Museum of Flight and […]

Book Week: Seize the Time: Vancouver Photographed

Comments 48 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I love the pictorial history of Vancouver and Seize the Time: Van­cou­ver Pho­tographed, 1967–1974 is one of the most unique reads of its kind. While even my collages of photos from the City of Vancouver Archives often reach back a century, Vladimir Keremidschieff’s images highlight a very unique time in Vancouver’s not-so-distant past. New Star […]

Vancouver Photos of the Week: Last Week of December

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s been more than 7 days since I’ve posted the Vancouver Photos of the Week so I have plenty of images to choose from in the Miss604 Flickr Pool. Snow, sunshine, Christmas lights, waterfront scenes, shipwrecks and sunsets. I’ve decided to roll these into the final roundup of 2013 and going into 2014, I’ll also […]

Ruckle Provincial Park Photowalk

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

With every visit to Salt Spring Island, John and I explore another corner of this Gulf Island gem with wonder and enthusiasm. During our recent December visit it would have been pretty easy to sit in front of our wood-burning fireplace at Hastings House all day but once the clouds parted and the sun beamed […]

Archive Photos of the Day: Theatre Row

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s always interesting to take a look at how much Vancouver has changed throughout the years. One destination that is constantly evolving is Granville Street. With its bright lights and big signs, there are glimpses of the past that remain today, see if you can spot them this collection from the City of Vancouver Archives: […]