On November 11th each year a poignant and concise banner is raised on the Flack Block that states: We Remember. Looking at the photos from this year’s ceremony at Victory Square’s cenotaph, I got the idea to add the Flack Block to the Vancouver Icon photo series. Aside from standing on a very important corner […]
Our lush coastal rain forests are prime growing grounds for fungi of all kinds, including the bright red and white mushrooms — Amanita Muscaria — that pop up around this time of year at the base of trees. These highly toxic toadstools, also known as fly agaric, become prime objects of photographers looking to capture […]
In Vancouver we’re no strangers to rain drops, whether they are pelting down on our umbrellas or misting sideways through the thick green branches of the nearest Douglas Fir. There is one rain drop that does get more attention than others, however and it’s simply called: The Drop. This giant polyurethane-over-EPS sculpture by inges idee […]
When the S.S. Beaver ran aground in 1888, Prospect Point was known as Calamity Point. The accident followed years of shipping mishaps caused by rocks and strong tidal currents. Three months later a light was established, just four days after Stanley Park itself was established. Photo credit: Ted McGrath on Flickr The first light was […]
Living on the coast we are no stranger to the steady sound of a fog horn or passing beam from a lighthouse when the weather turns, making you want to stay inside on a blustery autumn day clasping a hot cup of a pumpkin pie-flavoured beverage. Today’s roundup of photos from the City of Vancouver […]