Thanks to the year-round efforts of campaigns like Five Hole for Food, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (and food banks across Canada) stay top of mind. It’s during the holidays however that the pinch is felt the most for many and food banks really need your help to keep the shelves stocked. Real Canadian Superstore […]
The 10th anniversary Hope in Shadows Calendar is now available on the streets of Vancouver. The calendar serves many purposes but its two main features are to showcase the photography of low-income residents of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside community and also provide training to vendors who are all from the community. 2010 Hope in Shadows cover. […]
Marc Smith has taken on another 30 Days Adventures campaign after completing a month’s worth of food truck meals earlier this fall and 30 days of local exploration this summer. His latest challenge is to complete acts of kindness every day for 30 days. From handing out flowers to strangers to buying cups of coffee […]
Vancouver Celebrates Diwali, celebrating one of the most important holidays on the South Asian calendar, has returned for its ninth year with workshops, performances, and festivities from November 3rd to 10th. The theme of this year’s festival is “Illumination” along with the slogan “Light Your Spirit” as it brings friends and families together to learn […]
A Good Book Drive is running this month to help stock The Writers’ Exchange library in East Vancouver with kids books. The campaign was started by Cory Ashworth (from The Peak) and his friend Lizzy Karp (Co-Founder of Rain City Chronicles) who were inspired to help after hearing about The Writers’ Exchange program at a […]