Last night a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Haida Gwaii and led to tsunami warnings up and down the coast. Rolling aftershocks hit while everyone was looking for information about our coastal communities. Fortunately our warnings in our area were downgraded to ‘advisories’ however places like Hawaii were still on guard hours later in anticipation of […]
On March 11th a series of earthquakes offshore shook Japan causing a devastating chain of events including a tsunami that permanently redefined the coastline. Thousands lost their lives and the country is still on high alert due to the instability of several nuclear power programs. From the Red Cross to Doctors Without Borders, many helpful […]
Last night we watched in horror as multiple tsunami waves crashed their way over the Northern Japanese coastline following the country’s largest recorded earthquake that hit just offshore. The devastation is still sinking in following aftershocks, fires, and scrambles to connect with loved ones. This was the 7th largest earthquake in recorded history. With the […]