The other day I saw Mark Pilon (@atomos) post a photo of an old sidewalk stamp on Instagram. The caption read: “1912, this is the oldest sidewalk stamp I’ve seen to date in Strathcona.” I immediately recognized and identified the concrete marking with one in my neighbourhood — a sidewalk stamp at Robson and Bidwell […]
It spent much more time as the provincial courthouse building but we know it today as the Vancouver Art Gallery (since 1983). 101 years ago tomorrow (October 10, 1911) the building first opened up as the courthouse. Perched between Hornby, Georgia, Howe, and Robson it’s a cultural melting pot both inside and outside of its […]
It’s Homelessness Action Week in Vancouver and the Union Gospel Mission is inviting everyone to explore their neighbourhood in the Downtown Eastside to learn more about the community, its history, and the people who live there. The Eastside Stride walking tour series is led by a community member who will take you from the UGM […]
The Marriott Residence Inn in downtown Vancouver recently underwent a major design overhaul that lasted about 8 months. I’m asked often about hotel recommendations for downtown Vancouver so I was pleased to receive a tour of the remodeled property last month to preview the upgrades. Suited for extended stays (featuring full kitchens, laundry and grocery […]
Earlier this year it was announced that Sears downtown was closing. Immediately rumours began to fly about what would occupy the space and if the bare white fortress-like walls of the structure at Pacific Centre would undergo a facelift. Photo credit: Tom Wiebe on Flickr Drawings have been circulating on the internet for months, some […]