This Crazy Show at the Queer Arts Festival
byThis Crazy Show at the Queer Arts Festival: An interview with choreographer Noam Gagnon about his Swan Song and more.
This Crazy Show at the Queer Arts Festival: An interview with choreographer Noam Gagnon about his Swan Song and more.
Double DanceHouse Giveaway ft RUBBERBAND and Compañía Rocio Molina: Win tickets to Ever So Slightly on March 20th and Fallen from Heaven on April 5, 2020
The 13th annual Coastal Dance Festival is on now, celebrating Canadian and global Indigenous stories, song, and dance (Feb 25 to Mar 1, 2020)
Win tickets: DanceHouse presents Grupo Corpo, an energizing, two-part program from Brazil’s iconic contemporary dance company
The Talking Stick Festival runs February 19-29, 2020, featuring theatrical performances, music, dance, film, and a visual art exhibit.